Brief Update.

Jul 03, 2009 12:11

The wifi at the house isn't working, which partially accounts for the lack of updates. Ryan is Up North somewhere for the weekend. This sounds so careless, but the family in general has three vacation homes up there somewhere between Mt. P. and Big Rapids (one--the Cabin--is Ryan's paternal grandfather's, the second--the Cottage--belonged to his maternal grandmother and now belongs to his mom, and the third--also confusingly known as the Cottage--is the Greenville Rotters' place).

Not too much has been going on. I've had a couple career counseling sessions on campus and will work on my resumé more after Ryan is back.

Now, to bikes. I'm satisfied with my hybrid when it comes to puttering by myself around town, but I simply can't keep up when we go anywhere together. It's fairly heavy, I want drop bars, and it has the nasty habit of throwing the chain off the sprocket. We found an old Peugeot which needed some work at a garage sale. At the time, we thought it was a funny style of ladies' bike. Turns out it's a mixte. For the unfamiliar, a mixte looks like this:

Mine's from 1982 and light blue. We've replaced the wheels, and the brakes need replacing, which will hopefully be completed upon Ryan's return. And just to make things even more annoying, one of the tires has mysteriously gone flat. It's obviously a steel frame, which means it's great at exacerbating headaches. I think it's a beautiful bike and cannot wait to start riding it in earnest.

Well, off to see if they have the store brand frosted mini wheat cereal in stock.


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