Color Survey

Nov 08, 2008 00:23

1. Closest red thing to you? A box of cereal.
2. Last thing to make you angry? Seeing a picture of people celebrating Prop 8.
3. Do you have a temper? I wouldn't say so, but I'm less easy going than I thought, particularly when I feel I've broadcast my dissatisfaction with something and feel I've been ignored.
4. Are you a fan of romance? Yeah. By that, I hope you don't mean those ridiculous novels wherein there are heaving bosoms and the like.

1. Closest orange thing to you? A box of dried apricots.
2. Do you like to burn things? Candles are nice, but that's about it.
3. Dress up for Halloween? I haven't lately... maybe I'll try next year.
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? I like to think so.
5. Are you usually full of energy? Typically.

1. Closest yellow thing to you? A blurb box on the back of Vegan Lunch Box.
2. The happiest time[s] of your life? Waking up for the first time beside Ryan.
3. Favourite holiday? Yule.
4. Are you a coward? I don't think so.
5. Do you burn or tan? A bit of each?

1. Closest green thing to you? The bathrobe I'm wearing.
2. Do you care about the environment? Yes. I do my best.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? Nope.
4. Are you a lucky person? I'd say fortunate, not necessarily lucky.
5. Do you always want what you can't have? No, I tend to want very simple things.
6. Do you like being outdoors? Yes.
7. Are you Irish? A little.

1. Closest blue thing to you? My skirt and shirt.
2. Are you good at calming people down? I try. I may not be the best, but I try.
3. Do you like the sea? Yes, even if it often smells like dead fish. :p
4. What was the last thing that made you cry?

5. Are you a logical thinker? I'm not sure, so... no? I tend to think things through, but whether or not logic plays a role I cannot say.
6. Can you sleep easily? Yes.

1. Closest purple thing to you? One of my many journals.
2. Like being treated to expensive things? No. Not unless you mean something like an ice cream maker.
3. Do you like mysterious things? Yes and no.
4. Favorite type of chocolate? Dark, with mint or ginger bits.
5. Ever met anyone from myspace? No?
6. Are you creative? I think so.

1. Closest pink thing to you? My half finished crocheted lunch box bag.
2. Do you like sweet things? It depends. I love Slurpees and dried fruit and Swedish Fish and that one Coconut chai breakfast cake. So, yes.
3. Like play-fighting? Not sure what that is. Fake dueling with semi witty repartee?
4. Are you sensitive? Pretty sensitive, yes.
5. Do you like punk music? Not really.

1. Closest white thing to you? Tied between a skein of yarn and The Foundations of Buddhism by Rupert Gethin.
2. Would you say you're innocent? I don't think so. I try to retain wonder, but that's about it.
3. Always try to keep the peace? Yes.
4. How do you imagine your wedding? Simple, autumnal, outdoors, untraditional.
5. Do you like to play in the snow? Yes.
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctor or the dentist? No, but I am afraid of the dentist in cases of cavity filling.

1. Closest black thing to you? The keyboard.
2. Ever enjoy hurting people? No.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly? Silly.
4. Would you like to go to space? I think it would be fun, but I'd miss all the trees and such.
5. Do you have a lot of secrets? A few, but who doesn't?
6. What is your favourite colour? Green, purple.
7. Does the colour you wear affect your mood? It certainly can.


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