Hodgepodge Update

Jun 09, 2008 13:54

It's been so long since my last update, I don't know where to begin. Those who know Ryan and me will have some idea of how disorganized the apartment is. Those who don't... I get the feeling this entry will be comparably organized. Hopefully summertime fresh air and sunshine will be sources of inspiration on that front. The weather won't do much to collect scattered thoughts.

My bike is out of storage, but I haven't used it in Ypsi yet. We got permission from the landlord to store our canoe near the lake and the neat bike lock my parents got for me was appropriated to secure it to a fence. I'm going to buy another one, but this is delayed by Ryan's desire to get two locks (one for each of our bikes) which use the same key. It's in the kitchen right now, so dinner is going to be an interesting affair this evening! Considering how hot it has suddenly become, I think I will ride it only in the morning. I still need to get pannier bags.

Speaking of the canoe, one day the pool was closed, much to Ryan's chagrin. He still wanted to go swimming, so he decided to take a dip in the lake. Our proximity downstream from an old Ford plant made me a bit more hesitant to jump in. Nevertheless it would be a good opportunity to teach me the J-stroke and how to canoe solo. The whole endeavor was a wash: I went around in circles and Ryan was scolded by a heretofore unseen security guard right after he dove in.

I've made it so that future domestic endeavors will hinge upon getting this place tidied up. I'd like to take up yoga; economy of space is paramount. If the DDR stages (and eventually the bicycle/s) stay out here in the living room that leaves the kitchen to practice. It's tiny, but it has a usable wall. I'm looking forward to that. Unfortunately that means no more Phantom Hourglass for me until then. *Shrugs* I'm stuck in the Temple of Courage anyway.

updates, yoga, bicycles

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