Friends only!

May 30, 2011 18:58

credits for the banner go to fonulyn
credits for the stylesheet go to

Okay, I finally decided to make this Journal friends only!

Not that it would matter 'cause no one else is checking it out probably. xD
If you want to fangirl with me, please comment and tell me, who you are and how you got here. I'll probably add you, if we have anything in common. ^^
Don't friend me, if you never post anything in your journal and you never comment anywhere. I don't expect comments on every entry 'cause I know that's impossible but if you don't comment at all... Why friend me/you?
If you heard about my comics, please find them at my creative journal janken_pon.

If you just hope to find scans or live-pictures... you don't have to add me. I'll do those posts viewable for everyone because I believe in spreading the love. *lol*
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