Character and Shipping Meme because I'm a procrastinator

Mar 20, 2010 21:16

I hate writing first drafts for essays so I thought I'd do a meme to delay finishing them even more, haha.

01: Edward Elric (FMA)
02: Germany (APH)
03: Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
04: Kino (Kino's Journey)
05: The Count of Monte Cristo (Gankutsuou...and the original book, too, I guess)
06: Ginko (Mushishi)
07: Isaac Daan and Miria Harvent [They're practically joined at the hip and they share a brain ok] (Baccano)
08: Len Kagamine (Vocaloid)

09: Goku (DBZ) Kinda? I mean, I'm still sorta fond of him...but that was a long time ago. I was so young~
10: Ash (Pokemon) Herp derp pokeymans. I still love the games, but I haven't watched the anime for 500 years.
11: Kurama (YYH) This guy was notable in that I actually mistook him for a girl at first glance. And for me, that doesn't happen often.
12: Sai (Hikaru no Go) I only recently remembered this guy and the series he was in. God it's been ages.

13: Miaka Yuki (Fushigi Yugi) I feel so immature for still hating her I still hate her rrrgh. She was slightly better in the manga though.
14: Light Yagami (Death Note) I don't hate him, per se. He's just a bastard who's very easy to make fun of.
15: Naraku (Inuyasha) Lame, I know. And I know he's a villain and you're supposed to hate him but WHY DID IT TAKE YOU TWELVE FREAKING YEARS TO JUST DIE NARAKU SRSLY
16: ...I-I really can't hate fictional characters orz

17: England (APH) For a while I was kinda "meh" about him, but recently I'm starting to like him more.
18: Silver (Pokemon) Why yes I have been playing HeartGold why do you ask
19: Celty (DRRR) I like her. She's pretty cool. c:
20: Yuki Kaai (Vocaloid) Her voice is really cute!

♥ 1: Sweden/Finland (APH) They're just so cute aaaah
♥ 2: Neru/Haku (Vocaloid) THEY AREN'T EVEN REAL VOCALOIDS DAMMIT I-I don't even know. I just like the idea of it.
♥ 3: Apollo/Vera (Ace Attorney) I do ship Apollo with other characters (like HoboPhoenix hoho), but I like how this one could work out. There should be more fic guys
♥ 4: Ed/Winry (FMA) They're meant to be. For srs.
♥ 5: Cuba/Canada (APH) Also really cute aaaah
♥ 6: Claire/Chane (Baccano) One's a serial killer with a God complex. The other's a mute girl with a knife and a daddy complex. It's a match made in heaven.

♥ 7: Trunks/Goten (DBZ) I refused to ship it, then shipped it for a while, then abandoned it. I liked them better as friends, TBH.
♥ 8: Ash/Misty (Pokemon) Why'd Misty have to leave sob
♥ 9: Gakupo/Rin (Vocaloid) I sorta shipped it (Oh God what drugs was I on) until Luka came along. WAY better alternative if you ask me.

♥ 10: US/UK. IDK, I just never really got into it.
♥ 11: Goku/Vegeta (DBZ) I think it was the fact that they were both married with kids that I never got into this.
♥ 12: Rorshach/anyone (Watchmen) I just can't see him with anyone. He has way too many problems with sex as it is.

♥ 13: Walker/Erika (DRRR) It could work. OTAKU LOVE <3
♥ 14: Shizuo/Celty (DRRR) I'd normally ship her with Shinra, but this could also work, I guess...

The questions:

#1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
Because they were both married and my pure innocent eleven-year-old heart didn't want them to cheat on their wives. ;_; IDK. I don't care as much now, but still.

#2. Who do you know that ships #13?
Nobody I know, but I'm sure there are people who do.

#3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Awkward first date c:

#4. What is your favorite moment for #1?
The strip where Finland interviews Sweden and Sweden wants to say nice things to the fans but he gets all embarassed~
But I guess that's more of a Sweden moment?

#5. How long have you been following couple #6?
Since last year? IDK

#6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?
When I stopped watching Pokemon.

#7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4?
4, because it's 100 times more plausible? XD

#8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
*closes eyes and points* 12.

#9. What interests you about #14?
Shizuo's actually nice to her and talks about his feeeeelings

#10. When did you stop liking #7?
I-I only tried to like it because all the cool kids did

#11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?

#12. What's a song that reminds you of #5?
I dunno.

#13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Ed/Winry because I'm on the edge of my seat with the FMA manga right now. oh god what's gonna happen next

#14. Which do you dislike the most?
Rorshach/anyone, I guess.

#15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
SuFin and Cuba/Canada. Hooo boy, would hilarity ever ensue.

#16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
In my head they have haha

#17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
The way things are going, it's likely that they will.

#18. What would make you start shipping #14?
If it was with someone as screwed up as Rorschach is.

#19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6?
Well, one will never happen, and the other one's practically canon, so...#6?

#20. You have the power to decide the fate of #1.
buttsex TWOO WUV

God I'm such a bad university student

Why is there so much DBZ in this

meme, fangirling

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