3rd and Final Author Check-in

Dec 04, 2011 15:53

Hi all!

This is the third and last Author Check-in. How is it going? How many of you are done except for betaing? How many are still languishing in halfway-dom like me? Just letting you all know that you can do it… you’ve still got time to start from scratch and do 1000 words a day!

You do need to reply to this post by Dec. 20th at the latest.

I wanted to remind you of dates too:
December 31 - Writing time ends
December 31 - Artist sign-ups end (so get out and recruit some more artists!)
Jan. 1 - Rough drafts due (They will be sent to me. I’ll give you an addy when they are due.)
Jan. 1 - Artist claims will begin
Jan. 16 - Betaed Stories due back to authors
Jan. 17 - Work on edits
Feb. 1 - Art and Stories Due
Feb. 1 - Posting Begins!

Does everyone have a beta? If you need one, let me know.

Any questions? Anything?

Happy Writing!


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