House of Secrets

May 04, 2015 12:57

House of Secrets

Author: chaotic_binky aka Glorfindel

Beta: keiliss @ Braided Light - Thank you so much Keiliss - you are a fantastic beta - I am lucky to have you :)

Artist: ardisia @ artbox - Thank you Ardisia - your artwork is as wonderful as you are! I am still excited about it :)

Fandom: LOTR

Rating: R

Characters: Lindir, Gandalf, Erestor, Glorfindel, Radagast, Elrond, Celebrían, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, Melpomaen, Galadriel, Celeborn, The Witch King, Nazgul, Sauron, Haldir, Weezil the otter

Summary: The orphaned Lindir is taken to live with Elrond and Celebrían, who raise him as their son. When Celebrían sails twenty years later, he feels her loss just as keenly as Elrond's children. Lindir's siblings are horrible to him but he has powerful friends. Plus, Lindir doesn't help the situation - he does magic research experiments on his siblings and sees no reason not to continue. Maybe that was why Gandalf sent him an amulet of protection, or maybe not.

On the way to Lothlórien, Lindir meets Radagast the Brown, who hints at secrets in Lindir's past. They are attacked by killer plants and spiders, and escape, only to find themselves deep in a dark part of the forest, facing the Witch King and his Nazgul.

How will Lindir survive?

Will help come in the nick of time?

What part will the mysterious amulet play?

Lindir's fate forces the family to confront explosive, painful and unspoken secrets: the huge deception around Lindir's birth, twenty-five years previous, and his part in what happened to Celebrían, and the even more secret aftermath.

Will the family survive or will it be blown apart?

Lindir tells it all, leaving no stone unturned, and as unrepentant as ever!

Elements: Action and Adventure; Magic; Wizards; Poisonous Killer Plants; Farts; Horrible Siblings; Angst; Humour; Magic Experiments; Secrets, Violence; Terror; Hurt; Parental Loss.

Disclaimer: I do not own the elves or their surroundings - that right belongs to Tolkien. I make no profit and have no intention of making any.
Notes: Written for 2015 OEAM Big Bang.

Read 'House of Secrets' at Archive of Our Own.

2015 oeam big bang

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