Aug 15, 2012 11:59

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I write slash, het, gen, self-insert, etc? Yes. You can write anything except kiddie porn. I still will not allow that. You should include any warranted warning and proper ratings.

2. Which fandoms can I write? The list is on the profile page of oeam_bigbang.

3. Can I do art instead? We also will feature artwork with each story. So yes.

4. What can I do to help? Promote this Big bang everywhere!!! I need a co-mod or two and I may need some charts.

5. What is a Big Bang? Ours is a 20,000 word story written over a 4 month span. It must actually be completed to be posted. You can do as much over 20,000 as you wish.

6. Can I do an original story? No. This is a fanfiction big bang. There are some that do take original work, scifibigbang being one.

7. Do I have to belong to OEAM? No, but you must belong to oeam_bigbang.

8. Can I use a WIP? Only if you add 20,000 more words so no, you can’t really recycle what you did last year unless you still have 20,000 words to write. It wouldn’t be fair to those who are writing the whole 20,000 words. EDIT: It also has to be unpublished!

9. Can I get an extension? No. Stories will be due on their date, no exceptions.

10. Do I have to check in? Yes. If you miss more than one check in, I’ll send you a note then I’ll drop you if you do not respond so it is important to give me an email to reach you. *

* Some posts and notes will be sent by oeambb_mod. That will be me or another mod. Last year, we had a member take issue that she was reminded to check in and it finally resulted in her being banned. I am nice but won’t put up with combativeness or arguing. 

More Questions? Ask them here!


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