What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a challenge in which you have 4 months to write a 20,000 word story. You have a second choice - a 10,000 word Mini Bang.
For those of you not writers, there will also be an art challenge to create art for the stories in the challenge.
Beta readers will also be called to help get those stories ready for posting!
What fandoms can we write?
This is the list:
Arthurian Legend
Babylon 5 (all)
DC Comic Universe
Dr. Who
Legend of the Seeker (TV series and The Sword of Truth books)
Marvel Universe
Pirates of the Caribbean
Real Person Fiction
Queer as Folk
Sherlock Holmes - all
Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood (NEW)
Star Trek (all)
Stargate (any)
Other: Fiction about fandoms that actors in the main fandom, Tolkien, are in. For example, Sean Bean was in Game of Thrones so that fic counts as well.
Real Person Fiction (of listed fandom actors, writers, etc.)
The usual rules apply.
When is the Big Bang?
Here is the schedule:
6th Annual OEAM Big Bang
July 1 - 31, 2017 - Signups are open.
August 1, 2017 - Writing Begins
September 1 - November 30, 2017 - Beta reader signups
September 1, 2017 - 1st mandatory check in
September 15, 2017 - Snippet Post
October 1, 2017 - 2nd mandatory check in
November 1, 2017 - 3rd mandatory check in
November 1 - 31, 2017 - Artist signups
November 31, 2017 - Writing time ends, sign up for posting day.
December 15, 2017 - Drafts due to mods for distribution to artists
December 15- 31, 2017 - Editing
January 15, 2018 - Beta’d stories due
February 1, 2018 - All work should be done and posting will begin
Questions? Send me a message.