The amount of offers isn't tied to the amount of requests. So you could make two requests but make only one offer, or only request one pairing but offer three, and so on.
Your writer only has to choose one request (or one pairing from one request if the request has several pairings listed). So if you have, say, Aragorn/Boromir and Legolas/Gimli in the request, then your writer only has to pick one. They won't have to write a story with BOTH Aragorn/Boromir and Legolas/Gimli.
If you have several pairings in LotR, then you can add them all in one request, and then use the Optional Details field to specify if there is a favourite among them, or if there's elements you'd rather not read or a certain trope that you particularly like. Or you can make a separate request for each, though that uses more slots of the allowed six. The latter is better if you have your heart set on a particular pairing, like Thorin/Bilbo, as opposed to listing a handful of pairings that are of equal interest.
The amount of offers isn't tied to the amount of requests. So you could make two requests but make only one offer, or only request one pairing but offer three, and so on.
Your writer only has to choose one request (or one pairing from one request if the request has several pairings listed). So if you have, say, Aragorn/Boromir and Legolas/Gimli in the request, then your writer only has to pick one. They won't have to write a story with BOTH Aragorn/Boromir and Legolas/Gimli.
If you have several pairings in LotR, then you can add them all in one request, and then use the Optional Details field to specify if there is a favourite among them, or if there's elements you'd rather not read or a certain trope that you particularly like. Or you can make a separate request for each, though that uses more slots of the allowed six. The latter is better if you have your heart set on a particular pairing, like Thorin/Bilbo, as opposed to listing a handful of pairings that are of equal interest.
I hope that clarified things! :)
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