FIC: 'Til the End of the Line, PG, Marvel Avengers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Chapter 7

Sep 06, 2014 01:08

Title: ‘Til the End of the Line
Fandom: Marvel Avengers
Author: alexcat
Type: FCH, FCS
Rating: R - NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters nor do I profit from their use.
Warnings: None
Beta: Jaiden
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Archive: OEAM, Ao3, Alex’s Story Book
Spoilers: Yes, for both the Avenger universe movies and for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Summary: Steve Rogers can't let Bucky go. He needs to save him and Sam pledges to help. Along the way, he finds unexpected friendship and a little love as well.


Steve and Tony went back inside, deciding there might be more ears than Bucky’s out in the garden. Steve got out the fruit and yogurt while Tony found some bowls.

While they ate, Tony spoke, “We are going to get in deep shit for hiding him or helping him hide, but I have no problem with that. I’m always in deep shit with someone.” He winced at his last statement.

Steve felt a stab of guilt because he knew Tony was thinking of Pepper. He’d cheated on Pepper with him. He knew he should stop, but he wasn’t all that sure he could right now. This thing with Tony, whatever it was, had gotten intense very quickly.

“I think I can find a place or two to hide him.” Tony got quiet, apparently lost in thought. “It sure would be nice if we could contact Nat. I’ll give that some thought, too.”

“So do we act as if we’ve not seen him?”

“Maybe. Is Wilson trustworthy?”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to get him in trouble if I can help it.”

“Would he get mad if you did this and kept it from him?”

“Yes, he would. I suppose he’ll just have to decide whether he wants to be involved or not.”

Tony got busy, he was checking things on his computer and talking to JARVIS quietly.

Steve drank the last of his coffee and wandered back over to the window. Was Bucky still out there or had he moved on to wherever he hid? Did he feel for Bucky what he felt for Tony? That one he knew the answer to. He felt like Bucky was his family, his brother. Tony was someone he - oh dear God - what? Wanted to fuck? Cared about? More? Even loved?

He didn’t even notice that Tony had come up behind him until he felt a hand at his waist. “If he can be helped, we will help him.”

Steve turned and pulled Tony into his arms and held him tight. “Thank you. I can’t begin to tell you-”

“Shhh. You can’t say things like that to me. It’ll go to my head and make me more arrogant than I already am.”

“You’re an ass,” Steve whispered as he kissed Tony, a simple kiss that deepened into a hunger that they both knew they had no time for right now. Steve was the one who finally pulled away. “We need to go.”

They went to Sam’s apartment and took him to breakfast. Yogurt and fruit could only hold Steve for so long. He needed some real food.

“All right, Cap. What’s up?” Sam said as he cut into an omelet.

“Bucky has contacted me. He doesn’t want to be taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D. because he is afraid they’ll want to do experiments on him like HYDRA has done,” Steve answered.

Sam nodded. “As well they might. And you’re thinking of helping him escape?”

“Just until he gets some of his memory back. He isn’t quite the Bucky I know, but he’s not the Winter Soldier either.”

“You’re on board with this, Stark?” Sam raised an eyebrow at Tony.

“I agree that Barnes should be able to choose for himself. I’ve told Steve that I’ll help all I can.”

“What do you need me to do?” Sam asked.

“I don’t want you to get in trouble with Coulson and Hill so maybe nothing, but I wanted you to know. You’re my friend, and I sort of got you into this mess.”

“This is the best mess I’ve ever gotten into, Cap. Anything you need, just ask.”

They all drove to the headquarters building and were met by Agent Hill. She knew by looking at them that something was up and she was also wise enough to know that unless they wanted her to know, she wouldn’t. That was fine with her. She was patient and so was Coulson.

Today, they talked about other things.

“We have a new organization to build since the HYDRA infiltration and if you’re here and you’re hearing me, then you’re one of us.” Coulson was speaking to them on the computer from an undisclosed location. Agent Hill told them that others in other locations were also listening.

Steve wondered who. Banner, probably, from wherever he and his big guy alter ego were hiding, Natasha from her hideout too maybe, Clint, who might be with Natasha. Did the Asgardians know what had happened? Would they even care?

What were they to do? The world was weary of superheroes, especially ones they thought were really not so good after all. Since HYDRA made them look like criminals, no amount of talking could convince the politicians and leaders that they were wrong.

Steve knew the men and women he’d met since he awoke wielded great power, more power than he’d have dreamed, even after what he’d seen in Germany during his war. Tony, alone, had so much power and money that he’d have been afraid had he not known that Tony was one of the good guys, no matter what bullshit he talked.

He looked across the room. Tony was listening to Coulson, but he was poking that little device he had as well, always thinking, always working on some new idea. He knew Tony had been one of the biggest defense contractors in the world, if not the biggest, when he’d said no more weapons, no more killing. He might slip-slide a little now and again, but in the end, Tony was one of the men who he hoped would not allow what was left of S.H.I.E.L.D., what was left of the Avengers Initiative, to fade into memory, but move forward in their fight to make the world a safer place.

They could not stamp out evil before it appeared. That was not their right, not their mission. He knew he might be a bit naïve, but he also knew that Nick Fury had been wrong. He had no right to take out someone who simply might become evil.

Like Bucky.

What did Tony have in mind? Would Bucky go along?

The room got quiet and he realized that Coulson had stopped talking. He hoped he hadn’t missed too much. Maybe Sam would fill him in later.

Agent Hill approached him. “Rogers, I think you know where Barnes is and I need you to tell me. We need to make sure he is secure.”

Steve looked at her a minute then decided to be honest. He thought she knew anyway, so lying was probably pointless as this juncture.

“I’ve seen him, talked to him. He remembers a little, but he’s afraid. He won’t come in. He’s afraid you’ll do to him what the Russians did, what HYDRA did to him. I can’t assure him that you won’t, because I’m not sure that I believe it myself.”

“I can order you to do it.”

“I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., and it no longer exists. I don’t think I take orders from anyone anymore, Agent Hill. No offense intended.”

“We can come after him.”

“You can but you’ve seen what he can do. He might not destroy all of you but he will certainly destroy some of you. I want him to come in, to join us, but he’s afraid. I need time to make him remember, to befriend him again. Bucky Barnes is the closest thing I have to a brother in this world. I mean to help him.” He paused and looked her dead in the eyes. “No matter what.”

She looked angry, looked like she was gritting her teeth. Hill was a tough woman and she didn’t like what he’d just said. But she was also smart enough to know that this was the only way she’d ever get Bucky. It was also the only way she’d keep Steve.

“All right, but if one thing goes wrong, if he goes rogue, I’ll send someone to kill him. Period. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, ma’am. I do.”

“Then don’t tell me any more details. It’s better that I don’t know.” She turned and walked away.

Tony was at his shoulder. “Walk with me,” he said in a low voice. Steve followed him outside.

“I won’t tell you here, but I have a place for you to take him. Give me a few hours to work it out.”

Steve nodded.


Steve found himself thinking of Tony while he should have been doing other things. He was no fool; he knew that eventually one of them would want more, physically or emotionally, and this thing would implode.

He didn’t want that day to come soon. He knew when he pictured himself with a lover, it was someone like Peggy that he imagined, not Iron Man. Iron Man was what he got, though, and he had grown much fonder of Tony than he meant to.

He was just getting into the ‘does he really care for me, though’ thoughts when Tony was standing beside him.

“We need to be alone,” Stark said quietly.


“I’m going to follow you into the men’s room and dry hump you until you can’t breathe. Listen to me, okay?’

Steve had no idea what exactly he was getting at but the dry humping sounded intriguing enough. He headed to the restroom. Tony came in a few minutes behind him. He dragged Steve into a stall, closed the door and pressed him against the door, kissing him very thoroughly as he began to thrust against him.

He kept thrusting but broke the kiss. “I know a place in Tennessee where Bucky can go. You’ll need to go with him.”


“I think so.” Tony unzipped Steve’s pants and put his hand inside. “I spent some time there. I have a good friend who’ll watch out for you both.” He stroked Steve hard then slipped down on his knees and finished what he’d started with his mouth.

Tony left the bathroom first though a close look would have shown how aroused he was. Steve had a little cleanup to do before he returned to the lab, where he’d been testing some suit and weapon things Fitz-Simmons were working on.


Steve didn’t wait to be invited to Tony’s that evening. He simply got in Tony’s car when they left headquarters. Tony leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips before speeding out of the lot.

“Dinner?” Tony asked.


“I’ll call one in when we get home.”

“Tennessee?” Steve asked.

“At home.”

Steve was looking out the window as they rode along and was surprised when Tony took his hand and simply held it.


genre: fictional character het, fandom: marvel comics, genre: fictional character gen, genre: fictional character slash, author: alexcat, rating: nc-17

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