FIC: 'Til the End of the Line, Chapter 6/?

Aug 09, 2014 18:47

Title: ‘Til the End of the Line
Fandom: Marvel Avengers
Author: alexcat
Type: FCH, FCS
Rating: R - NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters nor do I profit from their use.
Warnings: None
Beta: Jaiden
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Archive: OEAM, Ao3, Alex’s Story Book
Spoilers: Yes, for both the Avenger universe movies and for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Summary: Steve Rogers can't let Bucky go. He needs to save him and Sam pledges to help. Along the way, he finds unexpected friendship and a little love as well.


Stark did ask. Late in the day, they were all at the warehouse headquarters. Fitz-Simmons were busy as bees showing them new things and better ways to hunt Bucky. Well, actually Fitz had made off with Sam to show him the Falcon suit since it had been repaired and improved.

Stark spoke very quietly. “Coming over for dinner?”

Steve nodded, not trusting his voice not to give away to everyone what was going on between them. He felt like his face already told everyone what he and Stark had done.

They rode home together, Tony chattering away about something and Steve sitting quietly. Oddly enough, he found Tony’s nonstop talking soothing.

Once inside the door, Steve grabbed Tony and pushed him against the door. He kissed him, pressing him hard against the door while tugging at Tony’s belt and pants until they dropped to the floor in a puddle around Tony’s feet.

Tony’s breath hissed when Steve knelt down in front of him. Tony Stark finally lost his cool when Captain America took him into his mouth. “Crap,” he whispered as he braced himself against the door.

Minutes later, a spent Stark slid down the door to sit on the floor. “Certainly not what I expected,” he finally said as Steve flopped down beside him.

“We probably should stop doing these things. I can’t seem to think,” Steve finally managed to say.

Tony laughed. His smart mouth was back already. “I think your brain might work better if we do something to make the blood return to it. If you’ll get your pants off, I’ll, uh, see what I can do to help.”

Steve’s hands shook a little as he did as he was told. Tony had managed to untangle himself from the pants around his ankles and he kissed Steve, then got up and led him to the sofa where he proceeded to kneel on the floor in front of Steve.

Steve watched, almost as aroused by the sight as he was by the sensation, as Tony licked his thigh slowly from his knee up to the juncture of leg and body. He was so close that his beard actually brushed against Steve’s penis. Steve grunted at the touch. Tony stopped and looked at him, licked his lips and found his true target, taking Steve as deep as he could into his mouth. It was too intense to last long. Steve’s hands gripped the sofa cushions as he tried not to cry out. When it was done, he felt completely boneless as he sank back into the sofa.

Tony sat back and looked at him. “So can you think now?”

Steve couldn’t help but laugh. “You are an ass, Stark.”

“That I am. Are you hungry, because I am really hungrier than I thought I was. I know some good takeout places and some decent delivery ones as well. Chinese? Pizza? Asian Fusion? McDonalds?”

“Stop talking.”

“I talk too much, don’t I?”

“Yes, but I like it most of the time.”

“So Chinese?” Tony was smiling, something he actually didn’t do very often.


Half an hour later, they were dressed and eating dinner in the den of the huge apartment, on the same sofa Steve had been sitting on a few minutes before. Tony had a news channel playing when they heard an odd report.

“Today at the Smithsonian Howling Commandos exhibit, someone reported seeing one of the Commandos standing near the exhibit. As you know, Captain America was associated with this group, and he and recently deceased Nick Fury were with the discredited S.H.I.E.L.D. agency.
No one answered our calls at the Smithsonian.”

“He was there again. Maybe he was looking for me. And here I am thinking only of myself.”

“You gotta eat, Rogers.”

“I don’t have to get blow jobs!”

“He knows how to find you if he wants you.”

“What if the others find him first?”

“Steve, from what I understand, a whole army of agents won’t take him if he doesn’t want to be caught.”

“He beat the crap out of me, and I’m the toughest s.o.b. around.”

“So eat your dinner and calm down. We need to leave him a message somewhere, something no one else will get. You say he doesn’t know you, but would he know your shield?”

“I think so.”

“We need to leave him a message with a drawing or photo of your shield. He will know it’s you and maybe he’ll talk to you.”

“He said he’d see me again. I’ll just go there and wait.”

“You do know that Coulson will have a second device to keep tabs on you and hunt Bucky as well?”

He hadn’t thought of that, but he knew something he hadn’t told Stark. Bucky had only appeared on the screen for a second. Something about him was making him invisible to the reader after one initial reading.

“We’ll go early, before the tourists. Maybe he’ll come out then,” Stark said around a mouthful of noodles.

“He’s not going to show himself with you there either.”

“I think maybe we can fit you with something to talk to me, but I’ll stay away.”

Steve agreed to that.

Later, Steve went to the guest room, showered and got into the huge bed. He was nearly asleep when he felt the weight of someone else getting into the bed with him. He didn’t move, unsure what to do or say. He wasn’t sure he wanted to take what he had with Stark to another level. But he was sure that a part of him really enjoyed the level they were on.

Tony kissed the back of his neck. “It’s okay. I just came in here to sleep. I, well, I’m, I don’t like to sleep alone.”

Steve didn’t turn over but he smiled at the words. He reached back for Tony’s hand and pulled it over and held it against his chest. Tony moved closer and the next thing Steve knew, it was morning.

When Steve woke in the morning, he knew that he was not going to turn Bucky over to Coulson. He needed to spend time with him, to help him remember who he was and then let Bucky make that decision. He had volunteered for what was done to him but Bucky hadn’t, and he deserved that choice.

Was he going to tell Tony?

He knew that he had to trust someone. He trusted Natasha, but she wasn’t here. He trusted Sam and knew Sam would back him up, but Tony had resources. He needed help from someone who really could help him.

Tony was still asleep when he got up and padded barefoot to the kitchen. He made coffee, one of his few culinary skills, and wandered over to the front windows.

It was only for a second but he saw him. Bucky was here. He’d followed them home. Should he go out there?

Of course.

He had thrown his jeans and t-shirt on when he’d gotten up so he unlocked the front door and stepped outside. He walked to the garden off to the side of the complex and sat down. Maybe Bucky would come to him.

“Steve,” Bucky said as he sat beside him on the beach.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. I need to know more about Bucky. Is that who I was?”

“You still are.” Steve wanted to cry when he looked at his friend.

“But I can’t seem to remember.”

“I’ll help you.”

“I won’t let anyone put me back on the machine!”

“I won’t either. I will talk to you, be your friend. Some of your memories will come back, maybe all of them.”

“I have to think about it. I don’t know. I want to believe you.”

“Then do, Bucky. Believe me.”

Unexpectedly, Bucky reached for his hand, reached with his real hand. Steve let him take it, let him squeeze it. He forced himself not to grab Bucky and hug him tight. He didn’t want to frighten the skittish creature away.

“I’ll see you soon, Steve.” And he left.

Steve sat without moving until Tony walked into the garden. He handed Steve a cup of coffee and sat down beside him.

“Not going to tell them, are you?”

Steve shook his head. “I can’t. I promised him.”

Tony touched his shoulder. “Then you’re going to need my help.”


genre: fictional character het, rating: r, fandom: marvel comics, genre: fictional character slash, author: alexcat, rating: nc-17

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