FIC: To Live is to Fly, Part 1, Marvel Avengers, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, R

May 20, 2014 22:40

Title: To Live is to Fly, Part 1
Author: Alexcat
Fandom: Avengers (movierverse)
Type: FCS
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I profit from the use of these characters.
Beta: Larien Elengasse
Pairing: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Archive: OEAM, Ao3, Alex’s Story Book
Author’s Note: I resisted this fandom as long as possible.
Spoilers: For Iron man 3, yes.
Summary: A story about soft hair, reluctant men and sweet love.


To Live is to Fly

The choice is yours to make
And time is yours to take
Some dive into the sea
Some toil upon the stone
~ Townes Van Zandt


Tony Stark had pretty much anything he wanted in life. He was a superhero, had millions and millions of dollars and the love of his life, Pepper Potts. He was as happy as he’d ever been. Life was good.

So why the hell did he keep thinking about that walking anachronism all the time? When he was doing nothing and should have been thinking new and brilliant ideas, he found himself thinking about the loud arguments that he’d had with Rogers on the Helicarrier. Or about Rogers all dirty and bloody after the Battle of New York. Or Rogers’ lecture on being a soldier.

He’d despised the man, considered him a sanctimonious prude.

When Loki’s men had blasted the ship, he’d found out different.

Rogers had gone outside with him to try and make some repairs, to get the engine going again. Both of them had nearly been killed but Rogers had not left his post, had stuck it out until Tony got clear of the huge blades that powered the engine.

After things were done and he’d gone home, Tony put him out of his mind.

Or tried to.

Two nights ago, he’d dreamed that he was smelling Rogers’ hair, for God’s sake. It smelled clean and wholesome, like he’d smelled when he was a boy and just out of the tub. He’d awakened feeling sad for his own lost innocence, for his childhood.

And with an ache to touch that blond hair, to see if it felt as soft as it looked.

Jesus! What was the matter with him?

He had Pepper and she was hot and brainy!

Hell, Rogers would pee his pants if he knew what Tony was - had been - thinking about him. Had Rogers ever kissed a man? Hell, he wondered if Rogers had ever even kissed a girl.

He closed his eyes for second to clear his head and -


For just a second and without him even knowing it was going to happen, he’d thought about kissing Rogers, about touching his big, hard arms, about -

Hell no! He was not going there. Not ever. No!

His hand came almost unbidden to his lips. Would he taste like bubblegum? Goodness?

His phone buzzed and thoughts of Steve Rogers got tabled when Pepper asked him if he wanted to go out to dinner instead of eating in. He hurried to agree that it was a great idea.

“Are you okay, Tony?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You sound odd.”

“I am odd but there’s nothing wrong with me.”

She couldn’t argue with that.


Dinner was quiet, which was certainly unusual. Tony knew he usually chattered all the time at a mile a minute. But he said little. Dinner was good and Pepper was gorgeous as always. When they’d gotten home, he was ready for bed. For sleep. Which was also unusual. Tony’s mind ran as fast as his mouth and he always had trouble shutting down and going to sleep.

He didn’t go to sleep though.

His mind went to places it should never go and he got up at four in the morning and called Natasha Romanov.

“I need to get in touch with Cap.”

Natasha said nothing for a moment. “Steve?” She sounded as if she couldn’t understand who he meant.

“Is there another one?”

He could almost hear her shrug. She gave him a phone number.

He punched in the numbers and before anyone answered, he ended the call. His phone buzzed almost immediately. He answered.

“Who is this?” It was Rogers. Who the hell knew he knew how to call back a number?

“Hello, Rogers. Stark here.”


“I’d ask how many you know but you knew my dad as well. That’s kinda freaky.”

“I was getting ready to go out for a run. What can I do for you?”

Tony said the first thing that popped into his head. “I’m coming to DC and thought we could grab a bite while I’m there.”

“Uh, sure, okay. Call me when you get in then.”

“Will do.”

They hung up.


Tony had to make up all sorts of reasons to go to Washington. He had to make up reasons that Pepper couldn’t go with him. That one was easy; Stark Industries would shut down without her there.

He called Steve when he got in and arranged dinner at an old fashioned diner he’d eaten at a long time ago. The place was old and rather beat up but it was on the National Historic Register and the food was great.

“Why did you choose this place?” Rogers asked as they settled in with burgers and fries.

“I ate here once and thought you might like it.”

“You strike me as the Shawarma type,” Steve said with a laugh.

“I thought this might remind you of your time.”

Steve smiled, that million watt Captain America smile, and Tony felt it low in his body, low enough that he didn’t want to think about it. “Thanks. It kinda does remind me of a diner I used to eat at with Bucky. I usually managed to get beat up before I ever finished a meal.”

“I can’t imagine you a 90 pound weakling,” Tony said as he stuffed fries into his mouth.

“I was tiny and managed to always get in trouble.”

“Couldn’t keep your mouth shut any more then than you can now?”

“Nope. When I got changed, I had the muscle to put behind my mouth and my convictions and I no longer had to take any crap from bullies, even Nazi ones.”

“I was bullied a bit too.”

“Is that why you’re such a smartass?”

Tony might have gotten mad but Steve was right.

“Of course.”

Tony talked nervously all through dinner but Steve didn’t seem to notice much. He talked a lot too. Finally dinner was done and it was time to - what?

“Wanna grab a beer?” Tony finally managed.

“I got beer in my icebox.”

Tony smiled at the old fashioned word. He nodded and they rose and left. When Tony went to pay, Steve handed him the amount of his own meal. “I’ll wait outside.”

They got a taxi to Steve’s little place, Tony followed him and watched him unlock both locks. Steve opened the door and let Tony go in first.

“How about that beer?” Steve asked.

In moments, they were both sitting on the sofa, beer in hand.

Tony realized that he was thinking about that hair again. Before he lost his nerve, he asked Steve a question.

“Is your hair as soft as it looks?”

Rogers’ eyes widened. “Uh, I . . . it . . . I never thought about it.”

Tony touched it. It was as soft as it looked. He let his hand linger for a second too long.

“Well, is it?” Rogers’ voice was deeper, warmer.

“Is it what?”


“Yes. Yes it is.” He pulled his hand back and sat up straight, hoping that Rogers didn’t look down. “I guess I’d better be going.”

“When is your meeting tomorrow?” Rogers asked.

For a moment, Stark had no idea what he meant then it hit him.

“First thing in the morning then I’ll catch a plane back.”

“Got a place to stay? You can bunk here.”

‘Yeah and end up naked in your bed or worse, not naked and completely humiliated,’ Tony thought to himself.

“I’ll get a room.”

But Rogers insisted and they settled on the sofa with more beer. There was a baseball game on television. It was oddly calming as Tony watched Steve watch the game.

“Ever go see the Dodgers?” Steve asked.

“Not ever been a big sports fan.”

“I used to go see them in Brooklyn.”

“I keep forgetting you’re older than dirt,” Stark said with a laugh.

Next thing he knew it was early morning and Rogers was calling his name.

“Stark! Wake up. Time for that meeting.”

He sat up, wiping the sleep from his eyes. He had a blanket over him and his shoes were beside the sofa.

“I’m up. What time is it?”

“5 am. Time for my run.”

“I’d better get going too.”

“I’m off then. Let yourself out. There are some towels laid out for you,” Rogers said as he tied his shoes.

And he was gone.

Tony showered, using the same soap and shampoo that Rogers used, then he called a cab and headed to the airport and back home to Pepper.


After dinner that evening, he went to his workshop.



“I went to DC just to touch Captain America’s hair. Does that make me weird?”

“Yes, sir. I believe it does.”

“Why did I do it?”

“It would seem you have a crush on Mr. Rogers.”

“That sounds sick.” He laughed out loud, thinking of Fred Rogers and his neighborhood. “So what should I do?”

“Ah, that is up to you, I believe. Entirely up to you.”

rating: r, fandom: marvel comics, genre: fictional character slash, author: alexcat

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