Three Fics

Mar 22, 2014 13:10

One Marvel, one Star Trek (which I forgot to post here for some odd reason), and a new Star Trek which I found mostly completed on my harddrive but unposted. Everything behind the cut.

Title: The Prince and Everything But the Kitchen Sink
Author: weepingnaiad
Characters/Pairings: James T. Kirk, Spock, Hikaru Sulu, Montgomery Scott, Winona Kirk, Chris Pike, Sam Kirk, Aurelan Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Gaila, Richard Barnett, Jim/Bones, Winona/Chris, Spock/Uhura, Gaila/Scotty, Chekov/Sulu
Rating: PG-13
Series/Fandom: Star Trek AOS Fairytale AU
Word Count: 12,811
Beta: As ever, my brain twin, and soul sister, abigail89, wrangled my words into something readable and coherent, despite the heavy prose. I will never be able to convey my gratitude, bb. But, of course, I fiddle even after posting, so any mistakes are all on me. I also have to give credit where it's due. This fic would never have been finished and posted if it was not for hitslikehammers. She has cajoled and pushed and been a wonderfully supportive sounding board. Not to mention all of the alpha reading she's provided. Seriously, both of you are the wind beneath my wings. (It's cheesy, I know. But I adore you both!)
Content Advisory: none, really
Summary: Once upon a time there was a prince of an island kingdom that was of age and had to marry to ascend to the throne, but none of the suitors, neither prince nor princess, made his heart leap. There was only one man who did that and he was no royal. Prince Jim hoped for a miracle but knew there would be none to allow him to marry the healer that had stolen his heart.
A/N: This is my space_wrapped story and fills my trope bingo reunion square.
A/N2: I was inspired by pictures of Chris Pine filming Into the Woods and blatantly stole most of the fairytale from The Princess and the Pea with a big nod to Once Upon a Mattress.
Disclaimer: These are Paramount and Roddenberry's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.

The Prince over at Ao3


Title: Tyrants Willing to be Dethroned
Author: weepingnaiad
Characters/Pairings: Leonard McCoy, James T. Kirk, Christopher Pike, Kirk/McCoy
Rating: R
Series/Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Word Count: 2297 words
Beta: As ever, my brain twin, and soul sister, abigail89, wrangled my words into something readable and coherent. Thank you, m'dear. But, of course, I fiddle even after posting, so any mistakes are all on me.
Content Advisory: Perception of infidelity, but none did occur.
Summary: Jim learns a big secret about Bones that shakes the foundations of their relationship. Can he trust Bones again?
A/N: This fills my cotton candy bingo secret square.
Disclaimer: These are Paramount and Roddenberry's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.

Read Tyrants over at Ao3


Title: Voigt-Kampff
Author: weepingnaiad
Fandom/Universe: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters/Pairings: Phil Coulson, Skye
Rating: PG
Warnings: none, really
Word Count: 770 words
Summary: Phil is determined to take his search for answers to Fury himself. He gets more than he bargained for.
A/N: The author's notes are spoilers for the fic, so they're in the end notes over at Ao3, if you feel the need to read those first.

Voigt-Kampff over at Ao3

rating: pg-13, rating: r, genre: fictional character gen, fandom: star trek, rating: pg, author: weepingnaiad, fandom: marvel comics, genre: fictional character slash

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