Fic: Comfortable ch7 (Eomer, Gamling, Lothiriel, OC)

Dec 16, 2013 21:41

Title: Comfortable
Author: Gwaelinn
Genre: FPH
Characters: Gamling, Éomer, OFC, Lothiriel
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Third age-War of the Ring
Setting: Rohan
Warnings: heartache
Summary: Éomer was a simple man before the War. Now Théoden King is dead and Éomer has new responsibilities. Unfortunately blinded by grief and a sense of duty he hurts those closest to him as he accepts his role as King of Rohan.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and locations are the sole property of Professor Tolkien’s Estate save those (and there are several here) I have added from my own imagining. This is written only for pleasure and I gain no profit for my efforts.
Author’s notes: Okay, after reading “What if” stories about Éomer having a relationship before the war and then sending poor Gamling to tell the girl he was marrying Lothiriel, I felt bad for our handsome, loyal Rider so…Sorry to the Éomer lovers out there-this is not make Éomer very loveable and Gamling gets the spoils!
I Love feedback!! Please feed the muses 

Chapter 7 The Truth Comes Out

It was well past noon when Lothiriel finally got Éomer to rest. The unleashing of his grief had drained what little energy he had left. After a bit of coaxing, the Princess tucked her future husband into his bed, instructed the servants that the King was not to be disturbed for any reason and informed them she was going out for awhile.

Lothiriel now knew the whole story. She was overwhelmed and to be honest a bit disappointed in how it was all handled. Her feet took her to Gamling’s room. She wished to speak with the older man first, assure him that it was grief that caused Éomer’s irrational behavior, not true animosity. She hoped the Captain would understand and return to his duties. There was no answer when she knocked. A passing servant said she saw the Captain leave with packs as if taking a trip. The Princess thanked her and left for the stables. As she expected, the Captain’s horse was gone. There was perhaps still a chance to catch Gamling. If she was right, she could kill to birds with one stone so to speak.

She had a pretty good idea where the Captain might stop before leaving Edoras. After a few inquiries, the Princess mounted her own horse and walked it towards Éoswith’s cottage. Her suspicions were confirmed; the Captain was just dismounting and it indeed looked as if he was leaving for some time. Lothiriel slowed as she approached the modest home. Her heart fluttered and her palms began to itch. She was not sure what she would say to either of them, but she felt compelled to speak with them, to explain…to apologize.

Gamling looked up when he heard the approaching horse. He waited and when Lothiriel’s mount stopped, he helped her to dismount.

“My Lady,” the tall man said solemnly with a bow.

“Captain,” she replied and dipped her head. “I am amazed that people around here do not look at me with disdain for the hurt I inadvertently caused. I know I am probably the last person anyone here wishes to see, but I really must speak with Éoswith. Could you give me a few moments?”

“Of course my lady. Though, please…she has been through much.”

Lothiriel stopped in mid step and turned back to Gamling. “As have you. I got Éomer to open up and tell me what transpired. He put you in a terrible position and treated you most unfairly. I am very sorry and hope that you know, deep down the great respect and affection he has for you.”

Gamling gave the young lady a soft smile and nodded. The young Princess continued onto the porch and stood before the door. She took a deep breath, knocked and then waited. She could not be sure of her welcome. Éoswith would be in her right to throw her to the ground and beat her to a pulp or at least throw her from the porch. Having the door slammed in her face was another possible scenario yet, the Princess square her shoulders and prepared for what ever came her way.

To say that Éoswith was surprised to see the beautiful young Princess of Dol Amroth at her door would be an understatement. For a moment she just stood staring. Then she glanced passed her visitor and spied Gamling sitting on the fence whittling a stick. He gave her a reassuring look.

“My lady,” Éoswith said as she dipped into a small curtsy. “To what do I owe this honor?” Her words were polite but Lothiriel did not miss the slightly forced delivery.

“May I come in?” the Princess asked with a weak smile. Her confidence was failing. Éoswith was several years her elder and an established woman in these lands. Lothiriel felt very, very young. “Please,” she added, bright grey eyes pleading.

Éoswith stepped aside and allowed the royal to enter. Glancing once more in Gamling direction, Éoswith closed the door.

After what seemed like forever, the cottage door opened. Gamling hopped from the fence and advanced on the exiting Princess. Lothiriel seemed calm and unharmed and there had been no shouting nor loud crashes. However Gamling noticed the young woman closed the door herself as she exited; Éoswith did not follow.

Moving to her horse, Lothiriel began to untie the reigns as Gamling approached. “That went well, I think,” she said, looking into his concerned hazel eyes. “The healing can know begin for everyone involved, though at the moment I fear I may have reawakened her pain, not to mention more than a bit of anger towards her King. I think she needs you. Perhaps you can delay your departure?” She nodded to his packed horse.

“You told her what transpired this morning,” Gamling said more than asked. He knew the answer.

“I did not think you would have; she needed to know. I am tired of secrets and half-truths,” the young Princess replied gently. “I needed to tell her my side and hear hers. I wanted her to know that I truly am sorry about what has happened and that I called Éomer out on the matter. That had I been aware, things might have progressed differently. Everyone must hate me; not the best way to begin as Queen.”

“My Lady, none of this is your doing. I understand that, as does Éoswith. Éomer kept his personal life very private in her case. Few knew the depth of feelings they shared, although it was not true love. Arranged marriages are not uncommon and the people knew of Théodred’s contract,” Gamling paused and looked at the remorse in Lothiriel’s eyes. This had to be very hard on her. “Théodred sought no company once the agreement was signed; he was true to you. Éomer will be as well. Whatever he had with Éoswith is over. I believe the King’s heart belongs wholly to you now. For my part, I do not hate you. You are a victim, too. It cannot be easy to learn that your intended had been in a relationship and turned away from it, apparently so easily.”

“Thank you, Gamling. It is odd, but Éoswith said much the same. If I had known, I would have been willing to step aside, although my father would not have agreed. Deep down I truly believe Éomer knows he handled this poorly and although the outcome might not have changed, he could-should-have gone about it differently. I am so sorry. Captain, he never should have asked you to carry such a burden and certainly should not have dismissed you. I hope that in time you can forgive him and return to your command.” She paused for a moment then added, “Like I said, I think it went well but healing and forgiveness will take time. She is a fine woman, more gracious than most; I hope you both find the love and happiness you deserve.” Lothiriel looked at Gamling with a knowing smile.

Placing a foot in the stirrup, the Princess paused and weighed her words carefully before speaking again. “He was very distraught when reality hit him; I am sure he will send for you tomorrow if not sooner.”

“Be that as it may,” Gamling said with a sigh, “I have need of this journey and have delayed it too long. There is much I have to work out myself and that cannot be done here. Hopefully when I return, Éomer will have regained his sense and come to understand my decision.”

Lothiriel eyed the Captain and wondered to what decision the older man referred. However, as it was already late in the day, she needed to return to Éomer’s side before he began to miss her. With a smile, the young woman allowed Gamling to help her mount.

Gamling watched as the Princess rode away, wondering in what sort of emotional distress he would find Éoswith. Slowly he climbed the steps and without knocking quietly opened the door.

author: gwaelinn, genre: fictional character het, fandom: tolkien, rating: nc-17

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