even the best fall down sometimes 1/1, Glorfindel/Galdor of the Tree, PG

Sep 03, 2013 20:09

Title: even the best fall down sometimes
Author: larienelengasse
Pairing: Glorfindel/Galdor of the Tree, kid!Maeglin, Ecthelion, Idril, Turgon
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied sexual relationship between two males.
Disclaimer: All characters and places are the intellectual property of JRR Tolkien’s estate. I am merely borrowing them to play.
Beta: minuial_nuwing, Thanks for the last minute beta, Sweet Min!
Notes: Written for aearwen for the Sultry in September fiction exchange at the Slashy Santa archive. The prompt included: “a Gondolin story, whatever pairing the writer feels like and a cameo/element of kid!Maeglin.” Pre-fall fic, with a wee bit of foreshadowing regarding the fate of Gondolin. The Fall of Gondolin is one of my favorite tales from Tolkien. I’m hoping here to portray that things were peaceful before the fall, even while the fate of the city is there underneath it all. I’m breaking with canon here and making Maeglin much younger than 80 years old at the time of his arrival in Gondolin with Aredhel. Eol’s arrival and death also falls outside of this story as I wanted to make Maeglin’s role a happy one for the requestor. Title from the song “Collide” by Howie Day.

Summary: Aredhel returns to Gondolin with her young son Maeglin and Glorfindel learns something about himself.

( He could not tell which was the stronger, relief that she was alive and well, or anger for the torment she had put them all through by insisting on the dangerous journey. )

fandom: tolkien, author: larien elengasse, genre: fictional character slash, slashy santa, rating: pg

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