FIC: Writer's Circle: Irene, Sherlock Holmes, G

Aug 02, 2013 15:04

Title: Irene
Author: alexcat
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Type: Gen
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I profit from the use of these characters.
Warnings: None
Beta: None
Characters: Holmes
Archive: OEAM, Alex’s Storybook, Archive of Our Own
Author’s Note: This is for the July Writer’s Circle prompt: Who was your character’s first love? What happened? Tragic or happily ever after? You tell us!
Spoilers: For A Scandal in Bohemia
Summary: Watson talks of Sherlock and Irene Adler


I am not sure that Holmes is capable of love as most people understand it. He prides himself on his intellect and so he should. He is far more brilliant than anyone I have ever met, even his brother. He makes me look like a collie.

There was one woman though in all the years...

If you follow my stories in the paper, then you’ve probably read about the woman. Her name was Irene Adler. She was an American and quite the beauty. She sang for a living. She also stole things and blackmailed people.

She was also the only person who ever bested Holmes.

I think that is what made him love her, though nothing like the love I shared with my Mary. He admired her mind in sort of the same way he did Moriarty’s mind though he did not hate her as he did Moriarty. Her crimes were small and only hurt those who had enough money or influence that their pain did not last long at all. She did not murder and steal the way Moriarty did.

She was the perfect opposite of Holmes.

He hardly ever spoke of her and I know that very few words ever passed between them but I have seen her in his eyes when he thought no one was looking.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if she had come to him, given him the photograph or even if he’d beat her at her game. Perhaps nothing more than what did happen would have.

Perhaps everything would have happened instead.

It’s really a pity that we’ll never know, that he will never know.


genre: fictional character het, rating: g, fandom: sherlock holmes, oeam writers' circle, author: alexcat

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