FIC: Whatever Was to Come, 1/1, PG

Apr 14, 2013 10:35

Title: Whatever Was to Come
Author: WeepingNaiad
Characters/Pairings: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Tony/Pepper
Rating: PG
Series/Fandom: Avengers Marvel Cinematic Universe
Word Count: 1,167
Content Advisory: None, really.
Summary: It's raining out and Pepper's just trying to ignore today's date and all that has come before. She's alive, Tony's alive and that should be enough.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Fill for my Cotton Candy Bingo square: Snowglobe. This little tidbit is dedicated to hitlikehammers whose love for Tony/Pepper makes me smile.
A/N 2: I had this mostly written for awhile, just took a bit for me to be happy with it. I'm unsure of the timeline on Iron Man 3, but let's just say this takes place before that and after the Avengers, k?
Disclaimer: These are Marvel and Whedon's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.

Whatever Was to Come @myLJ | Ao3

author: weepingnaiad, genre: fictional character het, fandom: marvel comics, rating: pg

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