Four Fics

Feb 25, 2013 14:38

Just posting some Cotton Candy Bingo fills. Still working on the blackout for the amnesty, but here's a start anyway. The ratings are from PG to PG-13, so nothing explicit in any of them, mostly a bit of harmless fluff.

Author: WeepingNaiad
Series/Fandom: Avengers Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek AOS
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Darcy Lewis, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce/Darcy, Clint/Coulson, Natasha/Pepper, Steve/Tony, James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Kirk/McCoy
Beta: As ever, my brain twin, and soul sister, abigail89, wrangled my words into something readable and coherent. I will never be able to convey my gratitude, bb. But, of course, I fiddle even after posting, so any mistakes are all on me.
Content Advisory: None, really.

Title: Protect Birdie
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Tony Stark, Clint/Coulson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,256
Summary: When Hawkeye takes a fall during battle, the Hulk protects him from everything, including the very "dangerous" Agent Coulson.
A/N: Fill for my Cotton Candy Bingo square: Protect from harmless threat. This is little holiday tidbit dedicated to all the wonderful Clint/Coulson writers that have filled my holiday season with so many wonderful tales. I also hope this cheers up my dear, norfolkdumpling who's had a really no good awful day.
Disclaimer: These are Marvel and Whedon's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.


Title: My Heart in your Eyes
Characters/Pairings: Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Darcy Lewis, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha/Pepper, Bruce/Darcy, Clint/Coulson, Steve/Tony
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,701
Summary: Natasha thinks she is immune to the craziness of Valentine's Day but just maybe she's not as immune as she believes.
A/N: Fill for my Cotton Candy Bingo square: Making heart eyes. This little tidbit is dedicated to the wonderful jlh.
Disclaimer: These are Marvel and Whedon's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.


Title: Free, but not Easy
Characters/Pairings: Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Clint/Coulson (implied)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 687
Summary: Coulson's overworked, so Fury insists he take a vacation.
A/N: Fill for my Cotton Candy Bingo square: Free.
Disclaimer: These are Marvel and Whedon's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.


Title: From the Stars to Earth
Characters/Pairings: James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,173
Summary: This is a fill for the jim_and_bones' Love Letters Flash Challenge. My prompt was: Show me the letters between an older, more settled Jim and Bones -- not quite admiralty, in Jim's case, but getting there -- when Bones decides to settle in and teach/research at Star Fleet Academy and Jim's not yet ready to leave the stars.
A/N: Fill for my Cotton Candy Bingo square: Writing. Actually making this sound like letters that would really be written was giving me fits because the characters have so much context that's never put into words, but the reader doesn't. Timing was the hardest for me to get across since I couldn't keep up the pretense of the comms being down for an entire year. I punked out and just used dates. The star dates follow the AOS format with a standard year, then the numbered day of the year after the dot (e.g. 2013.054 is Feb. 23, 2013). I hope this cheat works and doesn't detract.
Disclaimer: These are Paramount and Roddenberry's characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.

author: weepingnaiad, rating: pg-13, fandom: marvel comics, genre: fictional character slash, fandom: star trek, rating: pg

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