FIC: Deadly Connections (21/25)

Jun 05, 2012 12:48

Title: Deadly Connections (21/25)
Authors: Alex (ranger_girl0301) and Carol (nverland)
Fandom: LotR
Genre: RPS
Characters: Viggo/ Orlando, Sean Bean, Various others-full listing at bottom of first chapter
Rating: NC17 overall
Words: 1820
Beta: The wonderful Original Namarie120, whom we would be totally lost without
Disclaimer: We know no one in or associated with this. It is purely fiction. No harm intended.
Warnings: AU, character death, Violence, M/M sex,
A/N: This was originally posted in my journal in 2006
A/N2: Cast list at bottom of first chapter
Summary: There's a killer of young men on the loose. It's up to Sean to find him. But things are not quite what they seem.

Orlando stood watching Viggo and Johnny, chewing nervously at his thumb. The two men were obviously close, maybe he had mistaken Viggo and he was nothing more to him than a play toy.

Johnny looked up, seeing the nervous young man in the doorway and stood up from the bed. The movement brought Viggo's attention away from his clasped hands. Seeing Orlando standing there, looking very lost and unsure, he held out his arms, motioning for the younger man to crawl into them. As they sat wrapped around each other, seeking comfort, Johnny stepped from the room, closing the door behind himself.

"He's upset."

"Keanu is not the man I knew, Angel. He's dangerous now, and he's trying his hardest to find us. Johnny just doesn't want to see anything happen to us."

"Happen to you, you mean?"


"I can tell he doesn't like me. It's obvious. Look, if your lover is that upset over us, maybe you shouldn't play around, yea? Johnny's a good man and--"

"Angel, Angel, hush." Viggo gently pressed their lips together, cutting off the younger man's sputtering. "Johnny and I aren't lovers. We were, a long time ago, but we aren't now."

Orlando wanted to believe what Viggo was saying, wanted there to be nothing between him and Johnny, but he could see the way Johnny looked at him sometimes, like Orlando was trying to take something away from Johnny.

“Johnny and I...our relationship is powerful, Orlando. We...we both have the ability connect with others on other levels. Yes, we were lovers once. But that was before Keanu came into my life."

Orlando nodded, watching Viggo's face, trying to tell from the way he looked what he should believe. But then, if there was really anything between the two men, why would Johnny have left them the way he had, or put them together in this room in the first place?

"I don't understand, connect to others?"

"We can hear things and sometimes see things that another person is experiencing, even when we aren't there. Sometimes it's just random, sometimes it's more. This time, it's more - at least for me. I've been hearing Keanu's thoughts for a while now, I just didn't know until he went after you and Kate that it was him."

"What happened with Keanu?"

Viggo sighed softly and kissed Orlando's forehead. "We were in love. I was younger and stupid and so blinded by what I was experiencing that I was willing to let Keanu lead us anywhere, into anything. It wasn't until after we broke up that I realized how much I didn't actually know about him."

"What made you break up?"

"I...was an artist at one point. I worked small odd jobs every now and then to support myself, but my main occupation was painting. I usually did freelance stuff, whatever came to my mind, but sometimes I would be commissioned for things."

"Was an artist? That's not really something you just decide not to do one day."
"For me, it was. I just don't have the desire anymore."

"What happened to change that?" Orlando nuzzled under Viggo's chin.

"I got a call from a wealthy man in town, who he was is not important. What was important was that he wanted me to do a portrait for him, of his lover, something to keep him warm when they weren't together. We arranged a day and time, and I came in early to get set up. He explained that he wanted the painting done in the bedroom, and that his partner would be nude. How I chose to pose it was up to me. We entered the room, I set down my case, and there was Keanu, on the bed with only a sheet covering his midsection. I didn't know what to say or do. I just picked up my case and left. He called after me, but I couldn't turn around. I went to Johnny's for a few days, refused to talk to him. He finally packed up and left the house, and I went home. I learned afterwards that he'd been working for Kate for several years, on a limited basis. I heard that he walked out on her after that, and I hadn’t heard from him since then until he started killing."

"He...worked for...oh...that - that explains a lot," Orlando whispered softly, his mind turning over the story slowly. But...if Viggo broke up with Keanu because he was a hooker, then why was he suddenly so enamored with Orlando?

"Because it wasn't that Keanu was...a prostitute. It was that he was lying to me all that time...sleeping with all those men...behind my back. He-never even hinted to me and to suddenly realize what he had been doing..."

Orlando was wide-eyed for so long Viggo had to laugh softly despite the tears that were threatening to fall. "You spoke out loud, Orlando."

Orlando started to pull away, shaking his head as he tried to move from the bed and Viggo's hold on him.

"I...I just need to...I'm sorry."

"You need to just come here, Angel," Viggo pulled Orlando back to him. "You aren't Keanu, and you haven't done the things he did.”

"I'm still a whore. You deserve better than that."

"No, baby, you were a whore. I'm going to take care of you now."

Orlando's head was still shaking slowly, and he reached up and placed a gentle yet silencing finger on Viggo's lips. "Do you realize how many men have said that to me? How many have tried to convince me to quit what I'm doing and be with them? Let them 'take care of me'? But the thing is...none of them knew who I was. They just knew the boy that could deep throat whatever they threw at me. They didn't know I’m an obsessive compulsive door checker, even though I can go days without picking up after myself. Or that I hate it when my house guests leave hair in the sink, but yet finding their underwear on my floor a week later doesn't bother me."


"I don't need someone to take care of me, Viggo. I need someone to love me. And not someone who loves me for what I can do for them in bed. I just need someone who loves me."

Pulling Orlando to sit in his lap, Viggo wrapped his arms around the shaking man.

"That's not what I meant, Angel. What we've done together has been nice, very nice. But I want to be there when you go to sleep and when you wake up. I want to learn all your little habits, and have you learn mine. I don't do casual, baby. That's not what I want. I want the man that's buried inside that beautiful exterior."

Orlando buried his face in Viggo's neck, his voice floating up, muffled and thick. "What I am is a pain in the ass. But if you'll take me, I...I'd like to stay."

"And I would love to have you stay. I'm not exactly perfect either. I'm old, my bones creak and complain in the morning and whenever I stay still for too long, and I'm not exactly the most fun to live with. I tend to forget things, like buying food."

Orlando laughed, lifting his head and kissing the older man's lips. "I think we'll be okay. Together we should figure it out, yea?"

"Yea, we should."

Viggo lowered his mouth to Orlando's, sealing them together, trying to pour everything he felt into this one kiss. Orlando turned closer, wrapping his arms around Viggo's neck and crushing himself to the older man.

Pulling apart, they sat smiling at each other, some of the weight from reading Keanu lifted for now from Viggo's mind. Just as Orlando leaned in for another kiss, there came a knock at the door.

"Viggo, there are a couple of officers out here, and Sean is on his way. You two might want to come join us real soon."

Orlando moved away, slipping his feet off the edge of the bed, Viggo following him.

"Sorry, Angel, we need to take care of some things. But I promise we'll finish this later."
"You bet that tight arse of yours we will."

"Orlando, dear, my arse has long stopped being tight. Trust me."

The younger man laughed, the sound filling Viggo's heart. "I don't know...looks pretty tight to me."

Viggo chuckled and wrapped an arm around Orlando's waist, leading him out of the room.

As they entered the living room, still wrapped around each other, the two uniformed officers stood from the couch, where they'd been talking to Johnny and Charlie. They looked a little shocked to see Viggo and Orlando touching the way they were and obviously very comfortable together.

Johnny stood, "Viggo, Orlando, these are Officers Urban and Parker. They're here to help watch over all of us for a while."

Viggo nodded a greeting and held out his hand.

Johnny smiled a bit as the four men shook hands, the two younger cops looking fairly uncomfortable. “Not sure where I’m going to put you gentleman. We’re just about running out of space. I might have an air mattress around here somewhere.”

Urban exchanged a look with Parker, sighing quietly. “Whatever you can find will be fine, sir, I’m sure.”

As Johnny and the officers started working out how to make things work as well as possible, Sean pulled up in front of the house. Cursing to himself all the way to the front door, he knocked and waited impatiently for someone to answer. As Charlie opened the door, he was met with a scowling detective.

“Who’s the moron who left a patrol car in front of the house? Are we trying to advertise that this is where we have Viggo and Orlando hidden? Get that damn thing moved away from here, as far as possible.”

“We can put it in the back and cover it, Sean. They haven’t been here but a few minutes, I doubt anyone will have noticed,” Johnny said, walking from the kitchen.

But someone had noticed, and now all he needed to do was wait until night for things to settle down.


fandom: real person fiction, genre: real person slash, author: carol, rating: nc-17

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