FIC: Deadly Connections (20/25)

Jun 01, 2012 08:13

Title: Deadly Connections (20/25)
Authors: Alex (ranger_girl0301) and Carol (nverland)
Fandom: LotR
Genre: RPS
Characters: Viggo/ Orlando, Sean Bean, Various others-full listing at bottom of first chapter
Rating: NC17 overall
Words: 1733
Beta: The wonderful Original Namarie120, whom we would be totally lost without
Disclaimer: We know no one in or associated with this. It is purely fiction. No harm intended.
Warnings: AU, character death, Violence, M/M sex,
A/N: This was originally posted in my journal in 2006
A/N2: Cast list at bottom of first chapter
Summary: There's a killer of young men on the loose. It's up to Sean to find him. But things are not quite what they seem.

The scene at Davies’ house was a nightmare. The body was barely recognizable, the face having been caved in by a blunt object, an object that was found to be a metal meat tenderizer from Davies' own kitchen. He had obviously been hit and kicked several times prior to being beaten with the instrument. Sean felt queasy staring at him, and soon looked away, wishing he could take Charlie away from Bloom's side to make his partner deal with this. But now with their informant dead, Sean had a feeling they were going to need more protection than ever at Depp's house.

Cate watched Sean's reaction with knowing eyes, and subtly increased her pace. "You don't really need to be here, Sean. I think they found some other evidence in the kitchen you might want to look at."

"Thanks, Cate," he murmured, stepping carefully around the bloody mess that used to be Mortensen's neighbor while taking out his phone. "Charlie? It's Sean. Davies has been murdered. I'm sending over another unit now. Not sure what Reeves got out of him, but it can't hurt to have more help."

Johnny sat and watched as Charlie talked to Sean. He noticed that Charlie was looking a little pale, and his hand shook slightly as he hung up the phone.

"What happened?"

Charlie took a deep breath, turning to look steadily at Johnny.

"That was Sean. There's been another murder, one a lot closer to Viggo than the others. They...god, Johnny, this isn't good....they're at his neighbor's, Mr. Davies. Someone, most likely Reeves, killed him. They think he probably went there looking for information. Sean's pretty shaken by how brutal it is. Takes a lot to shake him."

"Shit! What does he want us to do?"

"He said he's sending a patrol car over, and to call when they get here."

"I'd better go tell Viggo. He was never too fond of Davies--nosy git he was--but they were neighbors. And Orlando needs to know that Reeves may know more now."

"Do you want me to go?"

"No, Charlie. I can do it. Thank you though," he patted the man on the shoulder before heading for the room.

Johnny hesitated as he got to the door. The pair inside hadn't gotten up yet, but it was still really early. Hopefully they were sleeping. He rapped on the door gently.

"Yeah," Viggo called out softly.

"Can I come in for a minute, Vig? I need to talk to you both."

"Sure, Johnny."

Opening the door, he found Viggo sitting against the headboard, Orlando stretched out next to him, his head in Viggo's lap.

"What's wrong, John? You don't look good."

"Viggo...Sean just called. He was at the house of one of your neighbors, the one who called in the intruder alert."

"Davies? Why was he there again?"

"Vig...Mr. dead. He was murdered, and apparently it was...messy. Sean's positive it was Reeves, and thinks we're in more trouble know. He's sending a black and white over."

Orlando gasped, scaring Johnny. He’d thought the boy was still sleeping. Viggo stroked Orlando's hair, murmuring soothingly to him.

"So what does he want us to do? If Keanu is tracking us, it doesn't matter where we go, he's going to find us eventually."

"I know, I was thinking the same thing. I wanted your opinion on what to do now. You can stay here, and we can beef up protection, or we can move you both to the safe house."

Orlando lifted his head, staring at Viggo with wide eyes. "Whatever you think we should do, Viggo, I trust you to take care of me."

Viggo worried his lower lip with his teeth. He hoped that he could protect Orlando the way the young man seemed to think he could.

"We're staying here, Johnny. But I think it might be good if you and I could spend some time away from everyone for a bit. You know what I mean?"

"Yea, I do. Why don't you have Orlando go sit with Charlie for a bit, okay? Then we can talk."

Viggo nodded and watched Johnny step back out of the room to let them get changed. Orlando ducked into the bathroom quickly to clean himself up, Viggo following after a round of soft, reassuring kisses.

Charlie smiled at Orlando almost timidly and handed him a cup of coffee. "So, had a good night so far?"

Orlando just blinked at him and Charlie cringed inwardly. "I mean, I guess you've had a good one until now, yea?"

Orlando nodded slowly as Charlie glanced around for a rock to crawl under.
"You aren't real comfortable around people like me, are you?" Orlando asked.

"I've just never been around anyone like you much. I didn't mean it the way it sounded. Sorry."

"It's all right. What do I call you? I'm terrible about names. Never really needed to learn them before."

"You can just call me Charlie."

"Thanks, Charlie. What say we go sit in the front room and talk some?"

As the two men settled in, Viggo and Johnny were trying to work out what they needed to do.

"Johnny, I need your help. I haven't gotten a thing from him since we picked up Orlando. I need to try and connect with him, see what he's planning."

"Viggo...this is dangerous. You know that. It's one thing to be picking him up involuntarily, but it's another thing altogether to break through whatever he's put up to block you."

"I know, but I need to do this! For all we know he could be outside right now. I can't keep Orlando safe if I don't know where Keanu is."

Johnny sighed. Orlando, always Orlando. "What about your safety?"

"Johnny..." Viggo's voice had turned pleading and Johnny felt his heart constrict. Fucking hell. He always knew how to get under his skin.

"All right, all right, let’s get this over with then."

Viggo smiled wanly and reached for Johnny's hand, needing the other man's help to keep him grounded. Johnny opened his fingers and grasped Viggo, the connection point sending tingles through them. Viggo closed his eyes.

"Concentrate, Vig. Concentrate on-the marks he left on your heart, your spirit. It's the only way to find him."

Viggo dipped his head and shut his eyes, breathing deeply. He opened his mind and reached out, searching for any sense of his former lover. It didn't take long to find him. Viggo did his best to stay inside Keanu's mind as long as he could.

After what seemed like moments to Viggo, but Johnny knew had been over five minutes, Viggo lifted his head and released his friend’s hands. The look on his face was hard to read. It was obvious to Johnny that even the few minutes he'd been under had taken a toll on Viggo.

"Vig, you okay? You look kinda pale, man."

"I..." Viggo breathed in shakily and shook his head slowly, as if trying to clear it. "I...shit, Johnny..."

"Just breathe, Viggo. It's all right, you're back now. Just breathe, okay?"

"His mind is such a jumble of confusion and hatred. I wanted to see more, but it scared the hell outta me."

"Did he know you were there? Can you tell if he felt you?" Johnny asked, nervously. Last thing he wanted was Keanu picking up what Viggo was doing, or where he was.

"I don't think so. He seemed to start closing things off, like he might have felt something, but I don't think he got anything off me."

"It took you a long time to be able to get into him enough to tell where he was the last that should help...but we don't need him realizing that he might be able to reach out to you and find you."

Viggo nodded slowly in agreement, some of the imagery that had been so bright in Keanu's head still burning in his own "I better not do that again for a while then. It - it's too draining on me, first of all, and I can't risk him finding us. He's very angry. He seems to think I've done something wrong, something against him, for being with Orlando."

Johnny sat, trying to come up with a way to say things he was sure would upset and hurt Viggo. And that was not anything he wanted to do.

"Vig, he loved you, he lived with you for a long time. Everyone assumed you were the couple that would make it. When you found out about him - about what he did for a living - you threw him out. Hell, Kate threw him out too. And now you're attaching yourself to the man who became his replacement with Kate. Orlando has replaced him with you, too. I can see why he'd feel hurt and angry about things, but he's taken that anger and used it against innocent people."

Viggo sat quietly and stared at the floor for a few minutes, feeling like he needed to sort out a thousand different feelings at once. Finally, he settled on the safest one. "I don't think he's sane anymore. It doesn't matter to him who he's hurting to get to me and Orlando. He's just hurting people because they're there and connected in some way, even...even if it's just the smallest thread."

Johnny nodded his head a little, letting his friend rationalize out loud. It wasn’t anything Johnny hadn’t figured out on his own, but he knew Viggo would get around to the real issue at hand eventually, and as he looked up to find Orlando in the doorway, he wondered if it was going to be sooner rather than later.


fandom: real person fiction, genre: real person slash, author: carol, rating: nc-17

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