FIC: Deadly Connections (19/25)

May 30, 2012 06:48

Title: Deadly Connections (19/25)
Authors: Alex (ranger_girl0301) and Carol (nverland)
Fandom: LotR
Genre: RPS
Characters: Viggo/ Orlando, Sean Bean, Various others-full listing at bottom of first chapter
Rating: NC17 overall
Words: 1626
Beta: The wonderful Original Namarie120, whom we would be totally lost without
Disclaimer: We know no one in or associated with this. It is purely fiction. No harm intended.
Warnings: AU, character death, Violence, M/M sex,
A/N: This was originally posted in my journal in 2006
A/N2: Cast list at bottom of first chapter
Summary: There's a killer of young men on the loose. It's up to Sean to find him. But things are not quite what they seem.

Johnny just smiled at his new friends’ reaction. It was really pretty obvious that Charlie hadn't been around gay men very much, and certainly not one with Viggo's appetite.

"Come on, Charlie. We need to get some rest. Unless you want to sit up and see if they're going for another round."

"NO! I mean, um, yeah we should get some sleep. Never know what will happen tomorrow."

Johnny smiled, grabbing the empty dishes and putting them in the sink, plenty of time to worry about them in the morning. And he'd rather be in the other end of the house, with the door closed, just in case there was another round. Although how they had the energy for that first one after the last few days was beyond him.

Meanwhile, Captain Jones was just hanging up the phone after checking in with Detective Bean, his heart heavy, although he would never let Bean know it. His Orlando had been in trouble, and Tommy hadn't been able to do a damn thing about it.

Tommy was a practical man. Love wasn't something that really existed in his life. He had never been married, had never had kids, and had spent most of his adult life building names for himself while hiding what he truly was. Captain was one of his names, hardass was another, asshole was yet one more.

Fag, however, was not a name that anyone would ever associate with him. He had made sure of that a long time ago. The station locker room was not a place that was friendly to homosexuals. Most openly gay cops got run out of the profession within a year. Intolerance was equally dead and not so; in most stations, racism was something that wasn't tolerated and nigger was not something that was heard often, if ever. Homophobia, on the other hand (and all those nasty words that went with it), was alive and kicking, and Tommy knew that if he was going to get anywhere in life he had to hide that part of himself away. He’d contented himself with whores and prostitutes, rotating them regularly, until Orlando came along.

Orlando was something special. He'd met the young man when he stopped in to see Kate one day, looking for a new companion. Orlando had been there, lounging on the couch reading. He was the most beautiful thing Tommy had seen in a long time. Dark curls framing his face, long slender body and limbs, and when he looked up and smiled, his chocolate brown eyes sparkled. From that day on Tommy hadn't asked for, or seen, another man.

It wasn't love, that much Tommy was sure of. He wasn't one of those fools who tried to convince themselves that they weren't in love when they really were. Orlando had no place in Tommy's heart, but he had managed to worm himself into other places; his thoughts, for instance, especially when they turned to the sexual side of things. He had been constantly worried that the boy was going to turn up dead, and yet there was nothing he really could have done. Prostitution was something that he had an entire squad working on daily, busting customers and breaking up rings, and yet he discreetly made sure Kate and her boys had been left alone.

But that was all the protection he could give. And obviously it hadn't been enough.

Now he had to worry that this sick bastard was going to find Orlando. The man had made it pretty clear that he was a target, and that he intended to track the boy down. Tommy knew that Orlando was stashed in a safe place, for now. What he needed to do was start pushing to find the killer, this Keanu. And stop him before he hurt or killed someone else, or worse, found Orlando again.

Which brought him to his conversation with Bean. The man had been exhausted and snappish, although Tommy didn't begrudge him. Bean's life had been turned into a nightmare with this case, and Tommy wasn't heartless, despite rumors. So he had, for once, taken the Detective's attitude in stride and managed to work out a plan to keep Orlando safe, with Pennyworthy and Bean rotating so that someone would always be with Depp.

Depp. Now there was a wild card and a half. He still wasn't completely satisfied with the "they're just friends" excuse Bean had given him. He turned back to his computer. Maybe it was time to do some research on the eccentric narcotics officer.

Two hours, and a lot of research later, Tommy wasn't much closer to an answer. Depp had been with the department for quite a few years, had never married, had no kids, and he couldn't even find a mention of a girl friend. The man seemed to be a loner.

Tommy sat there staring at the screen when something occurred to him - Depp sounded an awful lot like himself.

Tommy rubbed his eyes, sighed, and stood up. Enough for tonight.

As Tommy locked his office and headed home for the night, Keanu paced the floor, frustrated by the sudden disappearance of Viggo and Orlando. He knew Viggo's friend Johnny was either in on hiding them, or knew where they were. But Keanu had no idea how to find Johnny. The man had dropped in all the time at Viggo's, but they'd never gone to his house to visit.

"Goddamn you, Viggo," Keanu cursed out loud, hitting the wall nearest to him with an open palm. Viggo had been a private man who took a very long time to open up to him. At the time he had loved him for it, loved the special feeling he got whenever his new, exciting lover peeled away another layer for Keanu to see. Now, it just pissed him off that he hadn't gotten further into the bastard's world.

Keanu looked around the dank basement sagely, his anger ebbing a bit. He had to think rationally. How could he find out where those two had gone? Viggo never had many friends, and he had a feeling that Johnny was all the man had left. He'd never been friendly with his neighbors, especially that nosy asshole down a few blocks, who always peered out his window at them when they walked--

That nosy asshole.


If anyone knew anything, it would be him. He saw everything in the area, nothing escaped his prying.

Grabbing his jacket, Keanu headed out the door and up the back stairs. No point in going out the front, he was pretty sure the police were still watching the building, hoping to catch him. He just wasn't going to give them that chance.

Crossing the empty lot behind the old factory, Keanu headed back to his old neighborhood. Mr. Davies was in need of a visit and a long chat.

Unfortunately for Keanu, Davies was not in the mood for a chat. The stout man was more for slamming the door in Keanu's face, but Keanu was too quick for the man and got the tip of his boot into the space before the door slammed shut. It banged back with a groan and Keanu stepped into the house, watching the fear grow in Davies' eyes.

"Hello you nosy little are we doing today?"

"Get - get out of my house!"

"I don't think so, sport. We need to have a nice visit. You know things, and I need some information."

Keanu shut the door behind himself, advancing on the older man. Grabbing him by the arm, Keanu forced him into the living room. An hour later, he was washing up in the kitchen. Mr. Davies hadn't been very happy about telling him anything, but with a little persuasion, he now knew where to find Viggo and the whore. Glancing into the living room as he left, he was amazed at how loudly the old man had screamed, smiling at the spreading crimson pool coming from beside the sofa.

Viggo's neighborhood was quiet, but it wasn't dead, and someone was bound to hear. Which is why Sean found himself being awakened out of a rather delightful dream, filled with soft moans and gentle female touches, by the ringing of the phone.


"D-Detective Bean? It's Margaret. I-I heard something strange coming from Mr. Davies’ house. Screams."

Sean's sleep-fogged brain tried to catch who and what was being said. Suddenly it dawned on him.

"I'm sorry, Margaret, what did you say? It sounded something like you heard screams from Mr. Davies’ house?"

"Yes sir. About half an hour ago. It sounded like he was being hurt, and then it stopped. I haven't heard a thing since, and all the lights are on. I knocked at the door, but no one answers."

"Stay inside, and lock your doors, Margaret. I'll have a patrol car there as fast as possible, and I'll be there myself."

Hanging up, Sean rolled out of bed and grabbed for his clothes. This didn’t sound good, not good at all.


fandom: real person fiction, genre: real person slash, author: carol, rating: nc-17

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