Fic: Deadly Connections (11/25)

Apr 25, 2012 16:23

Title: Deadly Connections (11/25)
Authors: Alex (ranger_girl0301) and Carol (nverland)
Fandom: LotR
Genre: RPS
Characters: Viggo/ Orlando, Sean Bean, Various others-full listing at bottom of first chapter
Rating: NC17 overall
Words: 1549
Beta: The wonderful Original Namarie120, whom we would be totally lost without
Disclaimer: We know no one in or associated with this. It is purely fiction. No harm intended.
Warnings: AU, character death, Violence, M/M sex,
A/N: This was originally posted in my journal in 2006
A/N2: Cast list at bottom of first chapter
Summary: There's a killer of young men on the loose. It's up to Sean to find him. But things are not quite what they seem.

The gun shot sounded impossibly noisy in the large, hollow loft, the bang echoing throughout the building, bouncing off dirty walls and booming down the stairs before zipping back up again and dying. It rang in Viggo's ears as he lay on the ground, Keanu's body trapped under his own, and for a moment, just one moment, Viggo found himself lost in memories of long years before. Keanu's smell filled his nose and brain, bringing up forgotten snapshots of them together, out and happy, in bed, comfortable and nude, in each other's arms, safe and content.

"Get the FUCK off of me!"

Just at that point, Johnny stepped over them, gun in one hand, handcuffs in the other.

"It's okay, Viggo. He's not going anywhere. Keanu, roll over and put your hands behind your back. Viggo, go get that kid untied and taken care of."

As Viggo moved off Keanu and to the other side of the room, he could hear Johnny reading Keanu his rights. Kneeling down beside Orlando, he ran a hand across his head and checked to see if he was still conscious, before untying the ropes.

Orlando's jaw was aching badly, and he was never more grateful for anything than when the man who was untying him gently slipped the ball from between his lips. He tried to talk, but his throat was raw and sore from both the gag and from screaming.

"It's all right; don't talk right now. You need to rest. I'm Viggo Mortensen and that..." Viggo glanced over his shoulder and took a breath in. " Officer Johnny Depp. You're safe."

"Thank you," Orli whispered hoarsely, leaning his face into his savior's hand.

"Listen, I need to grab something to wrap around you. Don't move, we don't know how badly you've been hurt. I'll be right back."

Looking around for something to cover the man with, Viggo spotted a blanket on the sofa. Bending down to retrieve it, he noticed a foot behind the sofa, against the wall.

Feeling ill, he grabbed the blanket and called to Johnny, "John, you need to go look over there. I think we know where Kate is."

Johnny kept his gun trained on the cuffed Keanu as he walked over, making sure he didn't move a muscle as he glanced quickly at the body. "She's definitely dead," he commented dispassionately.

Viggo sighed and gently wrapped the shivering younger man in the blanket. "How are we going to get the police here? Bean...someone associated with the case should see this."

Johnny shook his head. "This isn't over, Viggo," he said cryptically.

"Very good, Johnny," Keanu sneered. "You have nothing on me, and I will admit to nothing other than what you see here."

"Shut up, Keanu," Viggo growled. "There's no way you're getting out of this."

But Johnny knew that Keanu was right. Right now there wasn't a hell of a lot on their side, and he knew the police wouldn't accuse Keanu of the other murders yet. No evidence meant no link. Orlando as a witness to only Kate's murder was just not going to be enough. Viggo was still in trouble.

Spotting a phone on a corner table, he grabbed the handset and placed a call to the station, asking for Detective Bean.

When the call was patched through to Sean's office, he was lying on his desk with the lights out, a wet paper towel folded and lying on his forehead. He had just been screamed at for over an hour by Jones, and his head was pounding. It seemed like every time his superior was winding down, he'd start back up again on rights and protocols and everything else a first-year cop could have recited by heart.

When the shrill ring of his phone cut into his consciousness, Sean grabbed at it, and had to fight with himself not to hurl the whole thing at the wall. He finally put the base down and picked up the receiver, holding it to his ear without a word.

"Detective Bean? Are you there? We have a call for you from an officer Depp."

"Yeah, put him through."

'Now what?' Sean thought as he waited for the connection.

"Sean, this is Johnny. I have something I think you want pretty badly."

"What could you possibly have that I would want, Depp? Unless you have the killer, wrapped up in a big blue bow."

"Well, he's not wearing a bow, he's wearing my cuffs. And I have a cold body and a kidnap victim to go with him. Let me give you an address. Oh, and Sean? We need an ambulance."

"I-what?" Sean was so blindsided that he felt his head spin. "Say all that again. Slowly."

"We have a killer, Sean. We have a murdered woman, a man who was kidnapped, and we need an ambulance." Johnny rattled off the address. "And we'd like it if you could get here quickly. The flies are starting to gather."

Sean reached for a pen and wrote down the information. "If you're screwing with me just to get your friend off..."

Johnny shook his head and hung up the phone, not even dignifying that statement with an answer.

Setting down the phone and shaking his head, Sean grabbed for his jacket and went to find Pennyworthy.

"Charlie, grab your coat and meet me at the car," he called across the squad room.

Charlie scrabbled to catch up, getting there just as Sean started the engine.

"Where are we off to, Sir?"

"Johnny just called. He says he has the killer."

"But...he hasn't even been working with us."

"I know. This has Mortensen's name all over it." Sean barely waited for Charlie to buckle his belt before wheeling out of the parking lot, his partner get on the radio and ask for an ambulance.

They arrived at the warehouse before the ambulance and headed up the stairs. They found Johnny sitting on a chair, watching over the person they assumed was the killer, and Viggo sitting on the floor holding someone that was wrapped in a blanket.

"All right, Depp. What happened here? I see you have your friend with you."

Just at that point, Keanu turned his head to take in the newcomers. Sean stopped and stared. This looked like the same person that had been in the photo at Viggo's house, the one of them together.

"Keanu here kidnapped that man over there, and killed that woman. Her name's Kate, and she would be the woman who ran the prostitution ring. And I'd bet that boy was one of hers."

"And how did you two end up here?"

"Vig over there figured out it was Keanu and he knew he used to live here. So we gave it a shot."

"Without any backup."

"Would you have believed us if we had called? Or would you just have taken Viggo in for more questioning? We had to do something."

"That's not the point, Depp. You know protocol. And you didn't follow it."

Frowning, he turned to Viggo and the man in his lap. They could hear the ambulance approaching, and Pennyworthy ran down to direct them up.

"And you, I have a lot of questions for you. But first, does the person you're holding have a name?"

Viggo leaned down closer to the shuddering man. "I never thought to ask, what's your name? Are you up to talking right now? If not, just nod and I'll tell him to go away and he can wait until you're ready."

"Orlando," came the hoarse reply. "My name’s Orlando, and if it's all right, I'd like to wait to talk to anyone."

Looking back up at Sean, Viggo relayed the name, and the request. He also noted that the Detective didn't look any too pleased about being told to wait.

"Charlie, get Cate on the phone and let her know she needs to get here. We have to get that body taken care of. And get a black and white here too, to take him to holding," He indicated the scowling Keanu with his hand just as the EMT's made their way into the room after carefully carrying the stretcher up the stairs.

Orlando allowed them to look him over, but clung tightly to Viggo's hand, almost cowering back against the older man. He only talked when asked a question as Viggo continued to try to comfort him as best he could. When the men finally allowed Orlando to crawl onto the bed, Viggo helped him, and then tried to back away.

"Please, don't leave me," Orlando pleaded, reaching for him and refusing to let go of his hand.

Seeing the young man's distress, Viggo nodded and walked with him down the stairs. Sean moved to stop him, but Johnny reached out and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Let him go. He won't try to run."

"I'm holding you responsible, should you be wrong."

"I won't be."

Sean nodded and then supervised the officers who came to take Keanu away before sending Charlie for some coffee--good coffee, not the stuff they had at the station. This was going to be a long night.


fandom: real person fiction, genre: real person slash, author: carol, rating: nc-17

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