Title: Split Me Wide Open
Author: WeepingNaiad
Series: Star Trek XI AU
Characters/Pairings: Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Mitchell
Content Advisory: nothing triggery, just angst and a not-so-pleasant Jocelyn
Rating: R
Word Count: 9,694
Beta: the amazing
abigail89. Thank you, dearest!
Summary: Modern day AU. Jim’s an Air Force pilot and Bones is an Air Force doctor. The repeal of DADT doesn’t turn out to be the happily ever after Jim had hoped for.
Disclaimer: I borrowed Roddenberry’s characters used them in the spirit of transformative works and mean no infringement of any kind. I promise to return them with smiles on.
A/N: This was inspired by
these pictures over at
jim_and_bones. The pictures are SFW, but you’ll have to join to see them. They inspired angst because even though DADT is history, discrimination is not.
Split Me Wide Open @myLJ