Fic: Any Good Thing (4/5), NC-17 Erestor/Glorfindel

Nov 13, 2011 13:26

Title: Any Good Thing 4
Sequel to: Seeing With The Heart
Author: Aglarien
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Type: FCS
Characters: Erestor/Glorfindel
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings universe is the sole property of the Tolkien estate. This story is written for enjoyment only and no profit is made. Only the cat and the Tanners mine.
Timeline: 2961 of the Third Age
Setting: Middle-Earth
Warnings: AU
Beta: Phyncke
Author's Notes: Written for Ardor in August 2011. These characters are the Erestor and Glorfindel from Seeing With The Heart, and the story takes place two years after those events. It is not necessary for you to have read that story first.
Request: Glorfindel/Erestor. I like fics where they are equals - I don't like meek Erestor; I like him to be strong. If you can include them having sword practice that would be a plus. Any kind of storyline is fine - nothing sad, though, only fluff or fun fics.

I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. ~ Étienne De Grellet, 1773-1855

Chapter 4

Glorfindel returned carrying two large game fowls, which Erestor eyed with approval. They were easy and quick to prepare, and the meat would hopefully not be too rich for Brynn’s stomach to handle. Glorfindel had also found some wild onions and other roots, and the two Elves set about plucking and cleaning the fowl and preparing the roots.

Brynn watched her new masters plucking the birds and wondered if she should be helping. They hadn’t said anything to her about it, but she always had to help with plucking the chickens and cleaning the vegetables at the inn. She knew how to do it and would get in trouble if she didn’t do it. Her masters didn’t seem to be mad at her or anything though. She finally got up the courage and asked, “Do you want me to help with that, Masters?”

Glorfindel raised an eyebrow at Erestor and Erestor raised an eyebrow at Brynn. “We are not your masters, Brynn. I am Erestor and this is Glorfindel. We are your friends, not your masters.”

Brynn tilted her head in confusion and looked at Erestor. “I don’t understand. Does that mean you don’t want me to clean the chickens? I haven’t worked all day and I ate twice.”

Erestor smiled sadly. The poor child equated being able to eat with work. “Glorfindel and I will prepare our supper. If you could keep Simon entertained so he doesn’t try to steal our food before it’s cooked, that would be a great help to us.” Loose feathers were lifted by the breeze and provided a source of fascination and play for the cat. Erestor gave Brynn a particularly long feather and showed her how to move it along the ground to entice Simon into play.

Once Brynn was occupied with the cat, Glorfindel looked at Erestor and whispered, “She does not understand.”

“No. It is all she has known. Perhaps I should have let her pluck the fowl.”

Glorfindel leaned into Erestor and kissed him. “Let her play. Perhaps on this trip she can learn how to be a child a bit.” He looked at Brynn and smiled at the sight she made in Erestor’s tunic, dangling feathers for the cat.

Erestor gratefully kissed Glorfindel back, feeling like the most indulged Elf on Arda. Glorfindel always supported him, no matter what situation Erestor embroiled them in.

Over their supper, Erestor tried to explain to Brynn that regardless of what the innkeeper had said, Glorfindel and he were not her masters and had bought her only to take her away to a better life.

“Will I live with you? If you are not my masters, what will happen to me?” Brynn asked, having worked up the courage to give voice to the questions that had been on her mind.

“It will be better if you live among your own kind,” Erestor replied. “Glorfindel and I know of a family we hope you will be able to live with. They are our friends and are good people who would treat you kindly.”

“My own kind?” Brynn looked at Erestor quizzically.

“Glorfindel and I are Elves. You did not know this?”

Brynn shook her head. “I have not seen many Elves before. They don’t come to the inn very often. The people you leave me with, will they be my new masters then?” Maybe Erestor and Glorfindel weren’t her masters because they were Elves.

“It is courteous to address your elders as Master or Mistress, but they will not own you as the innkeeper did, Brynn,” Erestor said firmly. “You will work for the people you live with and make sure your work pleases them, but still they will not own you. If you work for someone who pays you in coin or with some other thing you want, they do not own you. Do you understand?”

Brynn thought about what Erestor said. “You mean I trade my work for what they give me?” She was familiar with that idea - it was how most of the other servants at the inn worked.

“Yes, that is exactly what I mean!” Erestor replied.

“Then why don’t you and Master Glorfindel want me to do any work for you?”

Glorfindel chuckled. The child’s intelligence would serve her well in the future.


The travelers passed through the Shire as quietly as possible, keeping to the road but interacting with the hobbits only when courtesy or necessity demanded it. Bilbo was indeed home, and on the eve of the third day since leaving the inn, the hobbit welcomed them to his home most effusively. Bilbo took great enjoyment in entertaining Brynn, who he said was like a hobbit herself with her short stature and mop of curly hair. Brynn took to Bilbo as to a long-lost friend, and Bilbo was soon regaling her with stories of his journeys. Simon, for his part, was afforded a comfortable cushion near the stove with a bowl of fish for his dinner.

Erestor and Glorfindel were delighted to avail themselves of Bilbo’s bathing chamber, albeit the tubs were smaller than they would have preferred, but the hot water was most refreshing. After cleaning themselves up - including Brynn, who had to be dragged away from Bilbo - they were treated to a most satisfying meal at Bilbo’s table, including fresh-baked bread and newly made jam.

Bilbo sent them to bed with a promise that he would have provisions to carry them through to Bree ready in the morning. Glorfindel was delighted when Bilbo showed Brynn to a guest room with her own little hobbit-sized bed, and Erestor and he to another room with three wide hobbit beds pushed together to fit their heights sideways. They had told Bilbo about their bonding, and the hobbit had obviously made up the room for them while they bathed. Glorfindel had missed having Erestor to himself these past days.

Erestor turned the bed linens down, chuckling at the array of blankets the hobbit had used to cover the three beds. “How kind Bilbo is to do this for us,” Erestor said. “I do believe we will fit just fine with the beds sideways.”

“Very kind indeed,” Glorfindel said, drawing Erestor into his arms. The gentle kiss he bestowed on his mate soon ignited passions hidden over many days. Clothes were deemed superfluous, and the two fell upon the bed, both needing the comfort and strength that their lovemaking would give.

Erestor squirmed under Glorfindel’s heavier body, loving the feel of their skin touching all down their bodies and of his mate pressing him into the mattress. “Love me,” he whispered before his tongue laved the sensitive skin behind Glorfindel’s ear and his teeth scraped along Glorfindel’s stretched neck.

“I have every intention of loving you so well tonight that you will not want to leave this bed come morning,” Glorfindel replied, followed by a sound that only Erestor could wrench from him during their lovemaking. Glorfindel rolled off of Erestor, and reaching for the vial of oil he had taken from his saddlebag, lovingly began to prepare his mate for their joining. Glorfindel’s long fingers breeched Erestor’s entrance as his mouth took Erestor’s in a soul-deep kiss, his tongue imitating the actions of his fingers.

“Enough! I am ready,” Erestor groaned, unable to wait any longer for his lover. With one swift, nimble action, he’d removed Glorfindel’s fingers from his body and was straddling his mate.

“In a hurry, are we?” Glorfindel said with a grin, the passion in Erestor’s eyes echoing his own. Erestor’s fingers had found the vial of oil and his hand wrapped around Glorfindel’s hard length, preparing him. Glorfindel bucked up into the hand, making Erestor bounce atop him.

“Now who is in a hurry, lover?” Erestor said seductively, as he abandoned preparing Glorfindel’s cock in favor of guiding it to his entrance and sinking down onto it. His head rolled back as he stopped to adjust to the welcome intrusion. “Yes,” he breathed. As his body adjusted, he slowly began to rock against Glorfindel’s body.

Glorfindel caressed Erestor’s arms as he waited for his lover’s body to accommodate him, savoring the feel of being within the tight heat and wishing that Erestor would come down and kiss him. When Erestor finally began to move, he slowly rolled them over until Erestor was beneath him. He pulled Erestor’s legs to twine themselves around his waist, and leaned in to cover Erestor’s mouth with his own, thrusting his tongue into the sweetness.

Erestor wrapped his legs and arms around Glorfindel, abandoning himself to Glorfindel’s lovemaking and losing himself in the heady mixture of lust and love. Sounds no one had ever heard but Glorfindel escaped from his lips as Glorfindel’s movements grew faster and stronger, and flesh slapped against flesh. He moaned as Glorfindel managed to reach between them to stroke Erestor’s cock with a sure hand.

“Come for me,” Glorfindel said, and his commanding tone sent Erestor over the edge and his seed erupted between them in a mind-numbing climax. Erestor’s climax set off his own, and with one final thrust, Glorfindel came deep within his mate.

Glorfindel’s body felt like he was falling as his climax rushed over him. Lightheaded, he almost felt Erestor slipping away from him.

There was the sound of ripping and Erestor felt himself slipping down as the bed moved and split apart. He landed with a thump on the floor, his head cracking against the bed frame, followed by Glorfindel landing atop him. “Owwwww,” Erestor moaned softly.

Glorfindel recovered first and lifted himself off of Erestor, gently pulling his mate onto his lap. “Are you all right, love?” he asked, his fingers moving over Erestor’s body, gently searching for anything broken. It would be just their luck for something to have been broken or for Erestor to have hurt his head again. “Can you talk to me? How bad are you hurt? Is your head hurt?”

“Shhh,” Erestor managed to get out, wishing Glorfindel would just be quiet and let him catch his breath. After a few more moments, he whispered, “I do not think I am hurt badly. Just let me lay here a moment.” He buried his head in Glorfindel’s lap.

Glorfindel did as he was told and kept quiet, even with every nerve in his body screaming at him to get Erestor up and assure himself that his mate was fine. After a few minutes he felt Erestor’s body shaking and instantly panicked. “Erestor? What is it? Are you all right?” he asked frantically.

Erestor nodded and turned his head to look up at Glorfindel. A bark of laughter that he had been holding in broke from his lips, opening the floodgates, and he laughed until tears ran from his eyes. Before long, Glorfindel joined in, and the two rolled on the floor, laughing in each other’s arms.

When he could speak again, Erestor said, “Only us. We broke the bed. However are we going to explain this to Bilbo?” and he was off again, laughing uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the bed was not broken, but had merely slid apart. The ripping sound was found to be only the sheet that had been spread across the two beds which separated and could easily be mended. After putting the three beds back together again and rearranging the sheets and blankets, the two snuggled against each other, content to spend the rest of the night quietly, to avoid further mishap.

“I love you, Erestor,” Glorfindel said, tucking Erestor’s head under his chin and holding him. “Sleep well, dear one.”

“I love you,” Erestor responded, brushing his lips over Glorfindel’s neck. “Good night, my love.”

A minute later, a soft chuckle broke the silence. “I cannot believe that happened,” Erestor whispered. “Whatever will we tell the Hobbit about his sheet?”

“You mean the one my toe got caught in?” Glorfindel whispered back. “We shall offer to send him one woven by Imladris Elves and he will be satisfied.”

Erestor chuckled again. “Perfect,” he whispered, and he let the soft beating of Glorfindel’s heart lull him to sleep.

fandom: tolkien, author: aglarien, genre: fictional character slash, rating: nc-17

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