Oct 28, 2011 21:43
Summary post: This will be linked to the Big Bang Table! Wheee! Just to give artists and betas something to go on!
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Comments 22
Author: Aglarien
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: NC17 is the plan
Characters and type (gen, slash, het, etc.): Slash, David/Craig
Summary: When a country vet comes across an injured man with amnesia, nothing will ever be the same for them again.
Fandom: LoTR
Rating: NC-17. Slash (some het but not very much.)
Warnings: MPreg, some kink/bdsm (also canon character deaths.)
Characters and type (gen, slash, het, etc.): Gil-galad, Oropher, Thranduil
Summary: One possible reason behind Thranduil’s antipathy toward the Noldor.
Fandom: LOTR/QAF crossover
Rating: NC-17
Characters and type (gen, slash, het, etc.): Brian/Justin, Erestor/Glorfindel, Elrond/Lindir Slash, mpreg
Summary: Justin paints a picture of Rivendell after watching the movies. All of a sudden his painting comes alive and Elrond tells them their life is in peril. Changes are in store for our Brian and Justin along with surprises.
Fandom: Tolkien/LOTR RPS
Rating: aiming for NC17
Characters and type (gen, slash, het, etc.): Sean, Viggo, Craig, a cameo from Jason Isaacs - slash and mentions of het.
Summary: After his fourth ugly divorce, Sean is sent by a judge to work in a vet clinic and shelter, where he meets friends that totally change his views and choices.
Fandom: LOTR
Rating:R - NC17
Characters and type (gen, slash, het, etc.):Sauron, Jesse, Sauron's Uncle John, Melkor, Namo, Manwe, Glorfindel, plus a whole host of OFC and LOTR characters in cameo parts.
Summary: After the Ring War, Lord Manwe gives Sauron a chance to redeem himself. He is reborn as a human and lives a successful life, against all of Manwe's expectations. The Dagor Dagorath is approaching and Manwe expects to throw Sauron into the Void; however, things do not go according to plan. The World and Universe is remade, but will Sauron be a part of it? And what is the real identity of Sauron's earthly husband?
I have finished it - do I send it to you now?
I will send it when you ask us to :D
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