The Power of Now by Tolle if I don't explain it well enough. Basically: when are you going to be living in the future? It's going to happen in the now. When were you living in the past? In the now. Where is your life always? Now.
Real-world benefits I almost always experience when practicing this are a dramatic jump in clarity, a tendency for things to get done with a sense of effortlessness, and greater appreciation and curiosity of both little and big things.
There are some subtleties you can acknowledge, like: mental imagining of the future is fine and necessary for practical matters, but don't lose touch with experience of the moment -- or at least of recognition that the mind only operates in the now (everything else like hypotheticals and "should haves" are literally illusions). Or, like: when you go deeply enough into Now with awareness and disidentification, you experientially discover (realize/know) that the mind-body is actually functioning as a whole with its environment & other conditions (including a particular energy of awareness) rather than as an independent entity. This is pretty freaky, to the ego, but the increasing connection with truth/divinity/essence/etc is so much more rewarding and supportive and joyful.
It seems that focusing on a single practice or spiritual concept or Course in Miracles lesson per day will be most beneficial and doable. This recommendation is from Hawkins. I've recently begun feeling overwhelmed by all the variations and paths that are now making sense to my awareness. ("If they all work, what should be done??")