Bound - Entry for A Bite Off Center Challenge [teen wolf | g]

Oct 07, 2013 21:56

Title: Bound.
Prompt #: 221 at abiteoffcenter
Pairing(s): Allison / Derek.
Rating: G.
Medium: At first drawn traditionally, then colored and painted digitally.
Creator’s Notes: The wonderful background texture is by struckdumb.
Disclaimer: Teen Wolf and all recognizable characters are owned by their various creators. No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: From acari's lovely prompt: Bonding (Characters are bound to each other in some way). To stop the cycle of death between the Argents & Hales, Allison & Derek get bonded to share every joy and every hurt, to dream each other's dreams and feel each other's pain until they've reached an accord. Derek as actual wolf gets bonus points.


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