Rounding up July

Aug 01, 2009 22:36

As always, I mean to post, forget to post and realize that it's a lot simpler not to post than it is to post. It ends up being three weeks since I've last posted, the fact of which Live Journal loves to taunt you with whenever you visit the site. But no matter! I am finally back with a post about July, the gist of which is pretty much I went to Disneyland, why am I not in Disneyland now? The good news is that we upgraded our tickets into Annual Passes, so we can pretty much go back to the park anytime we'd like. Currently, we're aiming at early October, so that we can finally see the park in all of its Halloween glory.

In other news, I am still gainfully unemployed, with even fewer prospects on the horizon and no replies to my applications. Perhaps someday soon I will get an interview, and, God willing, it will be somewhere near home and not out in the boonies somewhere. In any case, the job hunt gets tiring very fast, which is why I spend a great deal of my time obsessing over Disneyland. It, at least, is a more inviting subject to mediate upon and promises good returns on my emotional investment. My job search? Not so much.

There's really nothing else to report. I'm sure I do other things with my spare time, though they are so boring or mundane as to not even pop into my head as I write this. Reading, fooling around with the computer, watching television, etc. I keep looking for some self-discipline or initiative, but apparently they are in short supply. In any case, I am exhausted and heading to bed in short order.
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