A Little Update...Finally

Jun 30, 2009 22:27

I suppose it's a little cliche to start an entry with a cheerful little statement about how long it's been since I last updated, but it has been a few months, so I'll ask for forgiveness and move on from there. I don't know if anyone is still reading my (sporadic) entries, but I suppose I can keep journaling for posterity, if no one else. A lot has been going on in my life lately, both good and bad, and while I may not be interested in reliving it at the current moment, I would like to have a record to look back on and reflect.

I've also found that as I avoid writing in my live journal, I also avoid doing anything else creative - fiction writing, photography, scrapbooking, etc. At the very least, I need to try to devote more time to doing the things I love and less time staring at the computer or TV screen. While it might seem counterproductive to be writing in an electronic journal, I think the simple act of writing, even if it's with a keyboard rather than a pen, will stimulate the creative flow I've stifled over the past year or so.

The first half of 2009 hasn't been all bad, but I'm hoping to accomplish a lot more in the remaining six months. With luck, that will include a job, but I'm going to remain positive and focus on enjoying myself and using my time wisely. I'm not sure where I'll be six month from now, but I hope I'll be happy with how I got there.

goals: professional, creativity: writing, goals: personal

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