Character kidnapped by Nazis? Check.
Mad Scientist who plans to steal heroine's eyeballs? Check.
Dark, shadowy figure lurking in the background (literally)? Check.
I think I'm doing well. In any case, I finally got my desktop back, though it cost me two hundred and fifty dollars for the privilege. At least now I have plenty of room (a combined total of 240 GBs) and a DVD burner. Everything is running faster as well. Now all I need to do is get everything else around here accomplished and I'll feel like I've gotten somewhere. I tried really hard to accomplish things today, but between replacing everything on my computer and making a last minute birthday card, there's still plenty to do. I have to go do two installs tomorrow, which will eat up most of the day. I plan to get up early and get as much writing accomplished before I have to work out and get cleaned up. In the meantime, I'm going to go crash so I can get enough sleep before I wake up and start all over.