dumbledore/grindelwald 4 eva

Oct 20, 2007 22:14

Three reasons why today has been brilliant:

1) Went to York to meet up with a friend that I've not seen for a few months. We caught up, went round a castle (always good fun!), bought some clothes and I got a lovely, lovely bag. I love bags.

2) Dumbledore is gay. FACT. I loved that while I was wandering around York this morning my mum sent me a text saying 'Did you hear that Dumbledore is gay?!'. She clearly knows me too well. This is pretty awesome. I hear there's been some discussion going on about whether this is a good or bad thing - fandom, will you ever be happy? True, it would have been better in the books, but still - it's pretty damn awesome. The whole Grindelwald/Dumbledore thing is like Clark/Lex. Albus Dumbledore = Clark Kent. FACT.

3) I just watched SGA 4x04 Doppelganger. OMG. Seriously. Is JKR going to be confirming the gayness of John and Rodney next? Because seriously. John's dreams have no hot chicks, just Rodney. Pure awesome. (Also pure awesome was the good!John/evil!John fight - hot like a hot thing.) The look that John and Rodney gave each other after waking up from the dream made me feel all squishy inside. Awwwww. They saved each other in their dreams and John's worst fear was Rodney dying. ♥ Even if the rest of the season is utter crud, this will almost make up for it!

So yes, today has been pretty entertaining.

dumbledore is gay, harry potter, tv:atlantis

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