
Mar 31, 2006 21:45

I've done the canon and fanon paring meme (from niannah). When I do memes like this, I realise just how OTP oriented I am. There aren't many pairings that I love (and usually that means read fic for it) and conversely, there aren't many that I hate, and the ones that I do are usually ones that mess with my OTP! Anything else, I don't really have much of an opinion on. I've included all the fandoms that I've ever read more than one or two fics in. I could include stuff like Lost and Battlestar Galactica, but I don't really have any preferences or read fic so there's no point.

Canon Pairings I Love
Stargate SG-1: Sam/Martouf (awwww, does this count as canon?)
Farscape: John/Aeryn
Smallville: none
Buffy: None that I really love
LotRiPS: Ha! None
Firefly: Zoe/Wash, Simon/Kaylee (yes, I'm a big sap), Jayne/Vera?
Harry Potter: Lily/James
Doctor Who (new): none
Stargate Atlantis: Are there any apart from John/random person?

Canon Pairings I Hate
Stargate SG-1: Jack/Sam (if you consider them canon - I prefer the ostrich approach!)
Farscape: Chiana/Jothee
Smallville: Clark/Lana (omg so much hate)
Buffy: Willow/Kennedy (*stabs eyes out*)
LotRiPS: none. why have I even put this here!
Firefly: none
Harry Potter: Remus/Tonks (I try to forget the end of that book exists)
Doctor Who (new): none
Stargate Atlantis: none

Fanon Pairings I Love
Stargate SG-1: Jack/Daniel (first OTP!)
Farscape: none
Smallville: Clark/Lex
Buffy: Warren/Andrew (or should this be canon?), Xander/Andrew (apologies to those who this upsets!)
LotRiPS: Billy/Dom
Firefly: I really quite like Mal/Simon but haven't really read it much.
Harry Potter: Sirius/Remus (canon!), Remus/Hermione (I'm sorry)
Doctor Who (new): Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Nine/Captain Jack
Stargate Atlantis: McKay/Sheppard (so much love!), Teyla/Ronon

Fanon Pairings I Hate
Stargate SG-1: Jack/Sam! Denial is good for the soul.
Farscape: none. Or rather, anything involving Scorpius!
Smallville: Lex/Lana
Buffy: none that I feel passionate about
LotRiPS: Sean/Elijah
Firefly: Mal/River, Simon/River
Harry Potter: Snape/Lupin, Harry/Snape. In fact, anything involving Snape. Blackcest.
Doctor Who (new): none
Stargate Atlantis: Sheppard/Weir

Pairings I Think Are Interesting For Various Reasons But Not Enough To Love Or Hate
Stargate SG-1: none
Farscape: Chiana/Jool, John/Crais (Farscape is not something that inspires me to ship anything apart from John/Aeryn)
Smallville: none. Just give me Clex!
BTVS & Angel: Willow/Oz, Buffy/Angel, Wesley/Lilah, Angel/Lindsey, Spike/Angel (I seem to like quite a lot of Buffy ships, but not enough to be very bothered).
LotRiPS: Dom/Elijah (never really reeled me in but I'm not averse to it)
Firefly: Mal/Inara (could be interesting but never really bought it)
Harry Potter: I don't hate Harry/Draco but I just don't get it.
Doctor Who (new): none
Stargate Atlantis: Carson/Rodney (I saw this in the pilot episode but Rodney/Sheppard ate my brain), Sheppard/Ronon (it's hot, but it doesn't have enough astrophysicists involved!)

ETA: OMG. It's April tomorrow. It'll be 2007 before I know it!

otp, quiz/meme

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