Bring Me Coffee Or Tea

Oct 22, 2009 22:18

Останнім часом, мабуть, багато викладаю відео, але цього разу якось все випадково.

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Чарівні 70-ті (відео 1972, а пісня з альбому 1968 років) й CAN як він є.

Під зелений чай з імбірем та корицею - дуже гарно.

You just smile at me,
You're just on my knee,
Bring me coffee or tea,
Call me "pretty little bee".

Whisper in my ear, lad,
You're still my parent friend,
Throw me out of my bag,
Ask me "Are you dead?"

I feel pretty in the chimney, I feel,
I feel pretty in the chimney, I feel,
I feel pretty in the chimney, I feel,
You just smile at me,
You're just on my knee,
Bring me coffee or tea,
Call me "pretty little bee".

Whisper in my ear, lad,
You're still my parent friend,
Throw me out of my bag,
Ask me "Are you dead,
Dead, dead?"

You just smile at me,
You're just on my knee.

I feel pretty in the chimney, I feel,
I feel pretty in the chimney, I feel,
I feel pretty in the chimney, yes, I`m again,
Yes, I'm again, yes, I'm again,
Yes, I'm again, yes, I'm again,

Yes, I'm again, yes, I'm again.

Yes, I'm again, yes, I'm again,
Yes, I'm again, yes, I'm again,
Yes, I'm again, yes, I'm again,
Yes, I'm again.

Yes, I'm again.

личное, цитатное, музыка

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