[OOC] Writing Workshop

Aug 26, 2011 18:18

How much about your characters do you really know? Small details might seem superfluous even irrelevant to the story you intend to write, but the smallest detail informs the bigger picture. The more you know about your characters, the better you’ll create believable characters who live and breathe on the page and in their own fictional world.

What do you know about this character now that s/he doesn’t yet know?
That she is fully capable of forgiveness and opening herself up again. She's done a tiny bit of forgiving thanks to age switch, but there's still a lot that went on in Olivia's life, both as a kid and in the last few years, that she can't get over, that she locks away and doesn't want to deal with. On top of the general crap happening to her, she doesn't believe she can love someone again, not the way she loved John or Peter -- who both proceeded to break her heart in major ways.

What is this character’s greatest flaw?
Hiding everything. From herself, from her friends, Olivia's a master at out of sight, out of mind, and she uses it as a coping mechanism. She blocked out an entire year of her childhood because she couldn't cope with it, and she does her best to do the same with everything else. The worst part is that she knows doing it eats away at her, but it's better than dealing with pain and trauma over and over.

What do you know about this character that s/he would never admit?
She still loves Peter Bishop, and even has the capacity to forgive him one day. But he's not here for her to realize as much, so she'll keep on pretending that possibility doesn't exist.

What is this character’s greatest asset?
Olivia is the most persistent, stubborn person you will ever meet. The entire first episode of Fringe happens because she refuses to stop looking for a way to save her boyfriend. She goes halfway across the world to find Peter Bishop so she can talk to his father because he might have some answers. She'll grasp at the smallest of straws and make something of it because she has to.

If this character could choose a different identity, who would s/he be?
A normal person. Sometimes she wishes she'd been able to take a different fork in her life when she was a child, and never step down the path that led her to where she is. She wants a job without paranormal shit, she wants to be able to love and start a family and live a quiet, boring, suburban life.

What music does this character sing to when no one else is around?
Oldies, probably. Maybe some jazz. I don't picture her singing or even listening to music much.

In what or whom does this character have the greatest faith?
Her niece, Ella. Because she's just a little girl who has her whole life ahead of her, Olivia belives Ella will grow up to do whatever she wants, and will do anything to make it happen for her.

What is this character’s favorite movie?
The Maltese Falcon.

Does this character have a favorite article of clothing? Favorite shoes?
She loves and misses her Northwestern t-shirt, one she sleeps in most nights. She doesn't have favorite shoes, unless ones she wears every day because they're good for hiking count.

Does this character have a vice? Name it.
Whiskey. Olivia's far from being an alcoholic, but girl loves her drinks.

Name this character’s favorite person (living or dead).
Her sister and niece.

What is this character’s secret wish?
To be normal. See above.

What is this character’s proudest achievement?
Becoming an FBI agent.

Describe this character’s most embarrassing moment.
I don't really think she has many embarrassing moments. Being ten years old and having people she know see her that way counts, I suppose.

What is this character’s deepest regret?
Not having killed her stepfather when she shot him. When she was nine. Because that's how she rolls.

What is this character’s greatest fear?
Having her mind stripped away and her body used again. She still hasn't gotten over being kidnapped and made to believe she was the alternate Olivia Dunham, and the idea of losing herself like that again terrifies her.

Describe this character’s most devastating moment.
Um, WHICH ONE? That time she set shit on fire with her mind and hopped to an alternate universe in the same night when she was ten? When her mother was hurt so bad she ended up shooting her stepfather? When John Scott betrayed her and then died? When she was kidnapped, experimented on and then had her mind wiped to think she was someone else? Or how about the most recent, when she broke said mind wipe and figured out how to escape an entirely different universe only to realize the alternate her was living her life and having a relationship with the man she loved, thus dirtying every single aspect of her life.

What is this character’s greatest achievement?
Kicking the crap out of people, escaping a maximum security prison and figuring out a way back to her own universe.

What is this character’s greatest hope?
That everything she's doing with Fringe division means something. Olivia wants the war between their universes stopped if they can help it, to make all the pain and terror and deaths worth it.

Does this character have an obsession? Name it.
Not really. She gets close when she's on a case, but nothing approaching obsession.

What is this character’s greatest disappointment?
Peter not realizing he wasn't with the right Olivia.

What is this character’s worst nightmare?
Mindwiping, again.

Whom does this character most wish to please? Why?
No one, really. Maybe herself, on some level.

Describe this character’s mother.
Her mother was a woman who did everything she could to protect her children, but ultimately needed Olivia to protect her. She was sweet and mild mannered, and after her father died, she re-married a man who ended up abusing her and her daughters. Despite the pain in their lives, she was always there for Olivia and Rachel. She died when Olivia was fourteen.

Describe this character’s father.
Olivia's father died when she was still very young, and she doesn't remember much of him. He was in the military, and she spent most of her young life as a military brat as they moved around on his assignments.

If s/he had to choose, with whom would this character prefer to live?
Her mother, if she were still alive. The only good thing about thinking she was the other Olivia Dunham was having Marilyn back to her for a little while (though that came at the cost of Rachel having died when a teenager in that universe).

Where does this character fall in birth order? What effect does this have?
She's the older sister, and has always been protective of Rachel. Olivia takes her and Ella in when they need it, and helps Rachel get back on her feet.

Describe this character’s siblings or other close relatives.
The only relatives Olivia have are her sister Rachel, and Rachel's daughter Ella. She loves them both, and while she's incredibly protective of them, knows enough to let Rachel live her life the way she wants. Rachel's had a string of bad relationships, but her relationship with her daughter and with Olivia have always been strong, and she's never let her own choices affect either of them badly. She's much more outgoing than Olivia ever was, sort of the lighter half to her sister's more serious side. Ella is the most adorable child on the planet, who loves her aunt Olivia, and it's only around Ella that Olivia ever truly lightens up.

Describe this character’s bedroom. Include three cherished items.
In the compound? It's very sparsely decorated, and only includes things she needs. The only things she really cherishes are the pictures she had in her wallet, of her family and friends. She doesn't cherish her gun, exactly, but she always has it.

What is this character’s birth date? How does this character manifest traits of his/her astrological sign?
October 11th, which makes her a Libra. I guess, a little? She's very into balancing the scales in the name of justice, and she's incredibly strong-willed and confident.

If this character had to live in seclusion for six months, what six items would s/he bring?
There's nothing beyond survival gear she would think to bring. Maybe a book or two.

Why is this character angry?
Because the universe (multiverse?) seems to conspire against her at every single turn.

What calms this character?
Those mundane moments in a case, when it's just Olivia sitting up at 2am reading case files over and over as she tries to figure out her next step or the next clue.

Describe a recurring dream or nightmare this character might have.
She wakes up, and she's trapped. Sometimes it's a small padded cell with nothing but a bench that's supposed to be a bed, sometimes she's strapped onto a gurney, sometimes she just can't move at all. She'll panic and fight as best as she can, but she's weak and can't seem to do anything except scream when a man in a white lab coat injects something into her arm. She'll wake up clutching her arm and breathing fast, needing to get out of bed and out of her room and remind herself it wasn't real.

List the choices (not circumstances) that led this character to his/her current predicament.
Half the stuff that led her down the path she's on weren't Olivia's choice, as she was too young to make any choices. But it was shooting her stepdad and protecting her mother that set her toward being in law enforcement.

List the circumstances over which this character has no control.
Every memory of her past that resurfaces, the various machinations of people who think they can use her like a pawn.

What wakes this character in the middle of the night?
She sleeps very little, but see the above nightmare.

How would a stranger describe this character?
Hard to get to know, but intriguing. Sad. Haunting.

What does this character resolve to do differently every morning?
Nothing? She's on the path she's on, and Olivia accepts that. She just tries to do what she thinks is best every day.

Who depends on this character? Why?
Right now, I suppose the only person who might count is Walter, and vice versa. They've been working together for years, and are the only ones from their own universe.

If this character knew s/he had exactly one month to live, what would s/he do?
Get her affairs in order, say goodbye to her friends, spend as much time as she can with Rachel and Ella.

How would a dear friend or relative describe this character?
A workaholic, a strong person who doesn't give herself enough credit and is very wary about letting anyone in.

What is this character’s most noticeable physical attribute?
Her long blonde hair, I guess? She doesn't have any visible scars and the only tattoo she has is hidden most of the time.

What is this character hiding from him/herself?
Oh, man. Just about everything I've already talked about.

Write one additional thing about your character.
Olivia has an eidetic memory.

ooc, writing workshop

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