Mar 21, 2007 17:19
A new tradition has been started. Every year I get sick in march...really painfully terribly sick to the point where I just want to shoot myself and get it over with. Always the result is me being dehydrated for weeks and hallucinating so hopefully some interesting new material to put up here in a few days. Unfortunately the IV from the hospital visit yesterday should slow the effects of the dehydration so I might not hallucinate as much. Meaning they took the only perk away from the illness. Now it's just the pain and inconvenience. I mean I've got two papers to read and write for plus i have to get ready for exams and at least I could pretend to understand half the stuff I was reading while I was all unlucid, now it's just doubled over in painess and having a new bucket friend to talk with. Damn doctors ruin everything.