Sep 18, 2016 09:00
Don't play scary games while on Ambien. My braIN coms upp with sopmf\ goodies but the keys arent cooperationg. I'm rocking back and leaning fprward wioth a gt\rin on my fave, bu the keys are helpiig me danceMy keyboard lookd like a turt;e shell with \keys and they sometimes make sense when I type but I think they keys more a lbit around if I slow doen adn the delete key hides f\rom me. Btween my glasses frames, between cler adn blujry, i see things I kow arent real. Not sire of audio holosinations happen. My head is spinng adn I get to think s\certain ways when myhead moves back and forth and in a circular pattern. The keyback looks like a n allagators boardand tere are people looking at the perifrianls. Tehy hide mostly and they;re not scarey. I don;t want then to be scray. They're mostly 2 deminsional and turn into chairs with blankets on tehm lol eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee last time I was bad, Bob Ross brought be down followed by a VHS of Tori Amos vidoes. My Louie and Abby were super fuzzy adn tehy help be find Bob Ross and quir fearing what Was wrong. It was a pivitol momnet in my life nad I decided tp nice nd clean uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. I never saw teh demon face again, and only felt hin around a coup-le of times, but he doesn't influe ce me any more, jjsut lieks it when I drive fast on teh freeways,. I do tat sometimes, Go 85 in the t65 cuase I can. I know I pass a lot and I;m ont always in a particular hurry, but this rebel needs his danger zone moments, right>? I;m so dull adn fat these daus,.I take my rebelous nauture out for a walk when I can. It makes me want to do different things , but I reareoly endulge in thoese wims anymore. Too musth tgoign onwith the kids. heheh
The bringht light sports in my glass show me the movements of spiders on the floor or just the head sligthy spinning and I stioops teh dizziness with makes the weirdss stop. bouncinb my lef RLS style rekeys my reality locks to metreic or something. its funny to be.I see geometeric shapes when I close my eyes, wtih greens adn brownad and dark. This si my they tell you to lay down, not lie down or up or anything, adn go to bed, Stuff messes with you if you try to stay awyked . spell check be damned, this is is intersting sis it real that I am on drugs? Yes, they perscrption and legal. Ambien is winning ad I think I might pass out on the stairs. I will sleep not and eraset this in the morning or so. Its too fuk\ng weirdddddd like me. SLeep since teh drugs want to push me that way. f\likl fkers.One last thought. assuming I get this sleep tihg finally figured out, withoug=t a mask,l I will wonder fi I wiwll even be the same creatifvely. I miss it. Paranoia statting ti wake up to play,
time for bed I thihnk....patterns in teh fog fo my mind. Sense of sort can eb made, but its a reality check I ;m not working towrards yet. Sleeep asleep, Ill see you there. Bring your orn clothse Mand with the robe in the corner of my eye keepes turning into the bathroom door when I look directly at him. Me things its the mid hallousinaion commone witn my sleep eaide of choise,. night y nighy, I love you all. drugs are bad kids .