Chapter 1.

May 20, 2010 21:21

You have your whole lifetime beforehand to shape your first book. This is the start of mine. It may be a tad juvenile and require some adjustment.

Thorn's palms rested on his knees, occasionally drifting

upward to his face where he could anxiously gnaw a

knuckle. He sat stiffly and cross-legged on the hard

packed dirt floor; his eyes were closed, his breathing

light and feverish.

"What the hell am I doing?" Thorn cracked an eyelid

and shivered indulgently, he had intentionally left his

simplistic hut uninsulated so that the cold would sharpen

his senses. A breeze wafted in. He straightened his

posture and re-closed his eyes, attempting once more to

clear his mind. He bit another knuckle, this time

clenching hard enough to draw tears.

"Pain is the greatest teacher of all." Likening this

practice to what the old monks referred to as corporal

mortification, a ritual which asserted that self-inflicted

wounds were cleansing of the spirit. Thorn certainly

wasn't a monk, and this was frustratingly turning out to

be nowhere near as satisfactory a spiritual experience as

he had intended.

Gravel shifted audibly outside.

"/Oh (fuck), the Wind of Tioma- ." Thorn didn't have

time to finish his thought before the heavy ashwood door

which formed his only exit roared off of its hinges,

flying lazily through the air for a full second and a half

then tumbling in a complete circle and crashing into the

brick wall fifteen feet from its origin. Three unnaturally

tall men thundered in like an apocalyptic horizon, they

were all dressed in hooded white robes and carried crude

shields. Thorn watched these events unfurl with tired

fascination, he didn't make any attempt to move, it's not

like there would have been anywhere for him to go.

The men positioned themselves in a semi-circle before

him, stepping carelessly on the sigul he'd spent hours

meticulously carving into the earth around his

body. Two of the hooded figures looked rudely about the

desert shack, examining his markings without hiding

repulsion and a touch of fear. The one in the middle, the

tallest, merely took Thorn in and towered imposingly. Thorn

was getting impatient and worrisome, but made his best

effort to meet the behemoth's gaze and remain

expressionless. He fought the urge to bite his knuckle.

"Thornatrik of Dis, you are summoned to appear before

the Demi-Lich to answer for your crimes of heresy."

The creature boomed deafeningly. Without a single further word

out of any of them, Thorn blacked right out.

He blinked into consciousness as quickly as he had

blinked out of it gods only know how long ago. The

atmosphere was murky with smoke, it was so thick in the

air that Thorn could taste it. He looked crisply about


"Great, everyone here is smoking except for me." He

was sitting exactly as he had been, palms down, knees

flat, spine upright. He briefly entertained the idea that

they had teleported him here. He tensed when it occurred

to him that this may very well be precisely what had

happened. His arms weren't tied, nor were his feet. He

wasn't bound to anything or restrained in anyway. He felt

like there may indeed be a reason to want to move or at

least risk a stretch, but something in him disregarded the

idea unhesitatingly. He thought about it again, returning

to the bald wonder that he didn't desire to move even in

the interest of rubbing his increasingly sore ankles. He

deflected the notion, deciding once more that he didn't

really want to. This must be the Demi-Lich, such

impressive manipulation! Thorn noted to study this sorcery

should he manage to convince this fucking cult to free him.
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