In September of 2006 I entered a contest to win this as one of the only backstage pass holders to a Necrophagist concert, where Muhammad Suicmez shred up and down such a Jackson upgrades like his hand was a hard chedder and the frets were a cheese grater. They've been around for 3 some odd years now, and prices have dropped from a grand to about 400 on a good deal. I located that good deal, and am hitting myself for paying off four months rent instead of three. You were almost in my grasp, Ibanez Xiphos with Infinity3 and Infinity4 humbucker pickups. I could almost taste the static in the air as I picture myself gently caressing your rosewood fretboard with every harmonic tap, your 3 piece maple neck tender but masochistically forgiving of the many bruises you would receive from my D'addario steel wound strings bending a scratch into you on a pinch squeal. I'd hear you softly weaping with a sweeping tremelo solo, and I would comfort you by turning the treble down. There there, that's better isn't it? You're safe now.