Last night I had a trippy-ass dream where me and some black hunter guy were trying to stay safe from
velociraptor dinosaurs on an island, very Jurassic Park-esque. Hmm I wonder where that came from, I only WORSHIPPED that movie for 3 years when I was little. In the dream me and the hunter were in this little fenced compound and we lived in a tent inside it, but the fence kept breaking and the raptors kept jumping over it and trying to get to us. There was this little 5 x 4 foot thick-barred cage that we had that was to be used in emergencies that would stop the raptors from tearing you apart if they got past the fence, and in the dream the creatures got through and started pourring into the fenced area so I got into the cage and locked it. Sadly I had to watch as the hunter guy was torn apart (hey sorry buddy but I got to the cage first) and then the dinosaurs came after me, surrounded the cage and started kicking it and tearing at me through the gaps in the cage's bars. I remember them rolling the cage and me getting bruised, hitting my head and body on the bars, and then I woke up. CRAZY SHIT, I tell ya.
Oh also what's weird is the raptors in the dream had feathers on them, like in
this_picture and
this_one So if you catch me tryin' to find my way into your heart from under your skin
Fast as you can baby scratch me out, free yourself
Fast as you can