so....i went to the baseball game today with was alot of fun...i want to go again...for some reason...i'm starting to like baseball...i don't know why...yeah...the O's lost...but it was still fun...leaving some rather...well...interesting voicemails for some people then i came home...and was i did this...
Three Things Created by
andy and taken 16358 times on
bzoink!Three things that scare me:1spiders2bugs3worms lolThree people who make me laugh:1Britt2Graf3CJThree Things I love:1my friends2family3musicThree Things I hate:1ignorant people2being scared3busy workThree things I don't understand:1"when in Rome"2religion (sometimes)3politics...again (sometimes)Three things on my desk:1scissors (i know its a scary with scissors)2a highlighter3a computer (duhh)Three things I'm doing right now:1listening to music2typing3..breathingThree things I want to do before I die:1push over a port-a-potty with someone inside =D2go on a moon bounce one more time (those things are so wicked awesomeeeee!!!)3uh...i have no idea....something funThree things I can do:1GO A WEEK WITHOUT BEING MEAN TO TRENDELL WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT go me :)2play flute [and make wind ensemble WOOT]3...make people feel better when they're sad??? i don't know...i need something to fill this blockThree ways to describe my personality:1fun [sometimes]2loud [all the time]3bitchy [most of the time]Three things I can't do:1sit on a chair backwards without falling2walk or cut paper in a straight line3go a whole day without saying something really stupid
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