Woohoooo! Finally bought a nice digital camera. I wuvs it, lots! Kody detests it. He sees me with it and he's like,"GOD woman...enough!" and tries to hide. *lol*
Nevertheless, I've taken a few and plan to take more and more and more and more.
Here's a few that I've taken so far. Let me know what you guys think. Has he changed much? He's not groomed, so he's a bit ..dirty. *cough* I'll attempt more suitable pictures of him stacking and in a show groom later. For now he's just putzing around, and I'm trying out the camera.
And the last one is of him and Jax in his new crate. I LOVE the precision crates! His other one, a midwest one, is rusting. It was a cheap one, but MUCH large. We wanted a smaller one for shows and when we travel. So he's not made to stay in it for too long. It'll also fit in the trunk, unlike his previous crate. But he can stand up and turn around comfortable. He just can't sprawl.
His OFA Thyroid test is now scheduled for May 2nd. I'm confident he'll pass with flying colors.