Happy things

Oct 05, 2014 18:21

Work is...insanely stressful at the moment (my boss in our small team of 4 is literally working 7 days a week at the moment, and although my role in the team means my own volume of work isn't too bad, that kind of stress is infectious), so when better to post a list of things making me happy/keeping me sane at the moment?

Urinetown's transfer to the West End!  Such a fantastic show, can't wait until I get to see it again in November.

Pride!  AMAZING.  Definitely go see it if you have the chance.  I haven't cried like that at a film - in a bittersweet but heartwarming, human-beings-can-be-rather-lovely-after-all kind of a way - in a very long time.  Possibly ever.  I saw it with my mum, who cried buckets then gave me her patented 'treatment of LGBTQ clergy in the Episcopal/Anglican Church' angry rant on the way home, which is always a treat.

(My mother, as some of you know, is currently in training for ministry.  One of her fellow ordinands is getting married to his partner next month, and the SEC have basically told him they'll happily let him continue with the difficult, time-consuming, emotionally intense training programme, but they probably won't ordain him at the end of it until the Church has an official position on same-sex marriage - something that could take years.  Or his other option is to not get married at all.  Unsurprisingly, he's probably going to go for the third option of 'sod the lot of you'.  As he apparently said, he has a strong calling to be a priest, but he has an even stronger calling to be a human being.

Do not get my mother started on the subject of hypocrisy in the Church.  Or, you know, do if that's your cup of tea, it's both informative and highly entertaining.)

And, obviously, Festivids!  More specifically, that lovely moment when you see something in the list of nominated fandoms and think '...wait, I don't remember nominating that this year...' - and then realise that you didn't and someone else must love that tiny, obscure thing as much as you do.  <3

film rec, festivids

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