Look at that, a post!

Jan 08, 2011 21:54

Huzzah, I exist.  (I wish there were embarrassed smillies on livejournal.)

Haven't posted in forever and not been checking my friends page either - for various reasons, most of which are too boring to go into.  To be honest, fandom's not really been a priority recently and not sure when it will be again, though I have no doubt I'll drift back to lj at some point.  I always do!

Ended up defaulting (early) on my yuletide assignment, which I felt awful and horribly embarrassed about - never done it before - not least because I got given not one but two fabulous Molly Blackett stories anyway (a gorgeous long fic called We Climbed the Matterhorn and a lovely wee Treat called A Mother's Lot).

I did just get my festivids assignment in though, which I am hugely relieved about - seriously touch and go for a while there!  And now that it's in, I can start getting excited about the vids going live which I'm really looking forward to.  :D  There were so many fab vids last year, I can't wait to see what this year's going to produce!

vidding, festivids, swallows and amazons, yuletide

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