Vid: Doctor Who

Mar 16, 2010 22:28

Title: Don't Rain On My Parade
Music: 'Don't Rain On My Parade' by Bobby Darin
Fandom: Doctor Who (multi-era)
Summary: Don't rain on the Doctor's parade
Length: 2:41
Notes: A huge thank you to deneuve and boggyb  for looking over this for me!
This vid is a bit mad and a bit pointless.  If you're looking for depth and meaning in a vid, move along, there's nothing to see here.  What this vid does have, however, is bananas and jelly babies and coin flipping and the Doctor being adorable (all of him).


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Here (large version - 98MB) or here (small version - 27MB)

my vids, vidding, vid: doctor who, doctor who

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