May 23, 2008 18:12
I've just realised why I love Sam/Annie so much - far, far more so than Sam/Gene, though I know that makes me an oddity in this fandom.
They remind me of Mulder/Scully. Don't ask me why! There's no resemblance in personality or looks or well, anything else really, but their fundamental relationship, that "fanatical devotion to a man clinically insane"* reminds me so much of one of my oldest OTPs that I can't help but love them.
It's almost a relief. See, I'm not going mad, I'm not watching a different show to everyone else, I just can't shake off 10 years worth of conditioning as an X-Phile. Completely not my fault. And not insanely geeky in the slightest. *Coughs*
But bizarrely enough, Sam & Gene remind me of Mulder & Scully as well. Facts vs feelings! Forensic profiles vs intuition! Science vs um...not!Science! So now I'm just confused again.
Life is hard.
*Bonus points for anyone who gets the quote.
life on mars