Jun 13, 2005 08:23
Since its been a while let me fill everyone in. I will be attending IN. Uni of bloomington this fall for my masters in Art history. My boyfriend Jason has gotten a new job in indy. We're going to be moving the first week in july. So far we've found a few apartments that we really like the top one is the Fox Club apartments, its right between school and his work. Very excited but also kinda sad since i'll be leaving you guys.
A litte under 3 weeks ago I got Lasik eye correction. It was awesome. I can see perfectly and its soo cool not to have to fuss with contacts and glasses.
For Rachel my seven favorite songs:
1.Pacabell cannon in d
2.Bowling for soup Life After Lisa
3.Jimmy buffet Margarittaville
4.The decemberists Seven Military Wives
5.Jimmy Buffet The weather is here I wish you were Beautiful
6.Good Charlotte My Bloody Valentine
7.War Lowrider
Since it looks like I'll be leaving by the 1st weekend in july I would love to see everyone again before then. Erin, Rachel we have 25th birthdays to celebrate so lets get cracking on that.