drabble123 - The First Time and The One Thing She Swore Never To Do

May 17, 2008 21:41

Title: The First Time
Author: Jacqueline, stare_me_out
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack Donaghy/Liz Lemon
Table: Sex
Prompt: #04 - Masturbation
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoiler for episode 2.15 Cooter, sexual situations.
Word Count: 100
Summary: The sex is quick but it beats masturbation.
Notes: Unashamedly fluffy ending warning.

The sex Jack has with Liz three months after she announces she wants to adopt isn’t the best but is far from the worst he’s had.

“Do you think this will work? Because I really don’t want to do this again” she says lying down on her bed.

“Way to kill the mood Lemon.” Jack says climbing onto the bed next to her.

“There was a mood?” she asks.

“Lemon, just be quiet.” Jack says kissing her.


The sex is quick but it beats masturbation.


Five weeks later she walks into his office carrying a pregnancy test.

It worked.

Title: The One Thing She Swore Never To Do Again
Author: Jacqueline, stare_me_out
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack Donaghy/Liz Lemon
Table: Sex
Prompt: #20 - writer's choice
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual situations
Word Count: 100
Summary: Liz is desperate.
Notes: This fic takes place in the same universe as The First Time.

Liz swore to herself; after the pregnancy test came back positive that she would never, ever have sex with Jack Dongahy again.

But now she is nine months pregnant, has been in prodromal labor for 10 days with little sleep and no progress and she is desperate.

“Have sex with me” she says waddling into Jack’s office “Now.”

“Lemon, you have the grace and charm of a boa constrictor.” Jack says barely glancing up from his paperwork.

“Jack, I said have sex with me.” She is getting exasperated.

Jack looks up and sees that she is about to cry “Okay.”

character: liz lemon, type: drabble, fandom: 30 rock, character: jack dongahy, challenge: drabble123, pairing: jack dongahy/liz lemon, type: fanfiction

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