Doing this for Gianna

Jan 17, 2004 20:29

So, yeah.....I was thinking about actually updating this journal. But then, I thought of doing that long survey on Gianna's profile...and I started doing it...but the questions were stupid/disgusting/pointless. Therefore, I'm going to do what she told me to do and at least make one person here satisfied. goes something:

(This is about gianna)
01: what is your first memory of me:Umm....quiet, always in the corner of the class with HUGE, loopy earrings and with some zebra/striped jeans one time. haha.
02: how long have we been friends: umm...since mid-Freshman year.
03: tell about one memory we share together: ummm...staying up really late at night at my house to "look" at the e-mail stuff. HAHAHAA!
04: describe me in four adjectives: Smart, witty, caring, daring....(the last one only refers to a few instances..haha).
05: if we could spend a day together what would we do: Talk, talk, talk, eat, go on the computer, talk, go through yearbooks, talk, watch a few of your weird teeny-bopper DVDs, talk, and go excercise?! hahaha.
06: name one thing you really don't like about me: Your grades....haha, no, I'm not jealous at all ;)
07: name one thing you really do like about me: You actually understand my jokes. (And laugh at them occassionally).
08: if you could give me a gift what would it be: I have no clue.
09: have we ever gotten in a fight & about what: probably...but only little, unimportant things.
10: have we ever hugged: maybe...I dunno.
11: have we ever danced with each other: not "with" ...but you did teach me some of your cheerleading cheers...that's dancing, right? lol
12: have you ever seen me cry: if I have...I don't remember.
13: have i ever offended you: yes
14: what is something embarrassing that i've done: haha! said some embarassing things ALOUD really loud when we were waiting of for our parents after a play Freshman year.
15: what do i usually look like when you see me: awake....very awake, (compared to me at least).
16: what do i say all the time/what's my catch phrase: "like"....and "like"...and "like"
17: do you think we will be friends in 5 years: hopefully.
18: do you think i am bitchy: no.
19: has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn't: yes....plenty of things..but that's with everyone, don't feel bad...haha!
20. what advice would you give me in general: Don't worry so much about what others think of you....and get over stupid "friends" decision to leave you...they'll regret it in the end.
21. wanna make out: UGH!!?! Please tell me you're not the one that wrote this survey. hahaha...and as for the answer...NO!
22: suggest a band / cd for me to listen to: I love coldplay. All of their CDs are awesome.
23: is there a song that reminds you of me:
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