They could form Marvel's Lanter Corps!

Jun 12, 2010 01:59

Alright, folks stay with me on this one, because anyone falling off the path will be taken by the oompa loompas as wives.

To start off with, I've liked the Marvel comic 'Exiles' (not that I don't have a few issues with it), that of it that I've read.  For those of you who don't know, it's basically a rotating strike team of alternate dimension Marvel characters, some classic (Blink from AoA) and some made up specifically for the book (Morph who joined the Avengers).  Their alternate timelines go fubared and they are sucked together to dimension hop to other slightly less screwed up timelines to sort out the one thing that is screwing them up.  Kill Hitler, kill Ghandi, make sure Peter Parker doesn't take up Lilandra on that full time position, etc.  So, basically, the series is all about the What Ifs and is a non-stop series of mash ups.  An example of a character I read about from someone's Exiles table top game is the guy who played the kid of Mystique and Wolverine, codenamed Jabberwocky.  Yeah, it's kinda like that.  Which leads to my one and a half ideas.

My first one is really just a half, namely in that I would like to play him were there ever an Exiles game, either run by me or someone else.  Hailing from the murky reaches of Eastern Europe, this man has battled some of the foulest, most dangerous arcane nasties that have ever threatened Earth.  Using a staggering intellect and an uncanny mastery of matters arcane, along with his powerful armor and considerable resources, this man has fought alongside the likes of the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and even Hellrider, crushing with a merciless yet just conviction.  Possessing a will more mighty than evil itself, may I introduce Dr. Victor Von Doom, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme!

Okay, so it's basically the desire to play a good Dr. Doom who went for Magic more than he went for Science!  Still as smart as Richards, still his rival, but more of in a competitive way.  Also, I like to play self-important imperious bastards, and a good Doom would be that in spades.  Next, the real mind bender.

When he was a young, restless man, Cain Marko came across a powerful arcane artifact, the Gem of Cytorak.  Little did the thuggish youth know that he possessed a latent mutant ability, namely that to absorb energy of all kinds.  Not knowing what he was doing he activated the mighty object and drew into himself the untold arcane might of a thousand ages.  His mutant ability was all but burnt out (or whatever, give me a break) but in it's place Cain quickly discovered that he was a walking font of mana, an unstoppable tower of occult power, a whole universe of spells in the body of one man.  Incapable of actually casting spells himself, Cain Mako is himself a walking spell/conduit for the power arcane, and gradually discovers his new destiny in life, to be the inexorable force to trample out those occult threats to Earth.  Ladies n' Gents I give you Juggernaught, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme!

I may, in fact, be full of the crack.
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